Teamfight Tactics has been out for over a year now and is in its fourth set. During this time many champions from League of Legends have made their way over to TFT and some have been in nearly every set at one point or another. Even so with rosters of nearly fifty champions, not every League of Legends champion has been in the game as of yet. Here is a list of each such champion. Listed below the champions who have not made it, are also the champions who have and when their latest set was.
[Related: What is the Teamfight Tactics 2021 Patch Schedule?]
Champions Who Have Not Been in TFT
As of Set 4.5, 17 champions have not been in TFT although if one takes out Galio and Samira then the number is actually 15.
- Alistar
- Corki
- Fiddlesticks
- Galio (Has not but a Unit but has been a part of the game as the Cultist Ability in Set 4 & 4.5)
- Gragas
- Heimerdinger
- Kled
- Orianna
- Quinn
- Rammus
- Rell
- Ryze
- Samira (Rumored to be in Set 4.5)
- Seraphine
- Trundle
- Udyr
- Zac
Champions Who Have Been in TFT and Their Most Recent Appearance
The champions will be listed as such- Champion Name: How Many Sets They Have Been In/Last Set They Were In. Mid-Set’s count as one set.
- Aatrox: 4/4.5
- Ahri: 4/4
- Akali: 3/4.5
- Amumu: 1/2
- Anivia: 1/1
- Annie: 5/4.5
- Aphelios:1/4
- Ashe: 5/4
- Aurelion Sol: 4/4.5
- Azir: 3/4.5
- Bard: 1/3.5
- Blitzcrank: 3/3.5
- Brand: 2/2
- Braum: 3/4.5
- Caitlyn: 2/3.5
- Camille: 1/1
- Cassiopeia: 3/4.5
- Cho’Gath: 3/4.5
- Darius: 4/4.5
- Diana: 3/4.5
- Dr. Mundo: 1/2
- Draven: 1/1
- Ekko: 2/3.5
- Elise: 3/4.5
- Evelynn: 2/4
- Ezreal: 4/4
- Fiora: 5/4.5
- Fizz: 2/3.5
- Gangplank: 3/3.5
- Garen: 3/4.5
- Gnar: 2/3.5
- Graves: 3/3.5
- Hecarim: 1/4
- Illaoi: 1/3.5
- Irelia: 4/4.5
- Ivern: 1/2
- Janna: 4/4.5
- Jarvan IV: 4/4.5
- Jax: 3/4.5
- Jayce: 3/3.5
- Jhin: 3/4
- Jinx: 4/4
- Kai’Sa: 2/3
- Kalista: 2/4.5
- Karma: 3/3.5
- Karthus: 1/1
- Kassadin: 2/3
- Katarina: 3/4.5
- Kayle: 3/4.5
- Kayn: 1/4
- Kennen: 3/4.5
- Kha’Zix: 3/3
- Kindred: 4/4.5
- Kog’Maw: 2/3.5
- LeBlanc: 1/2
- Lee Sin: 2/4.5
- Leona: 4/3.5
- Lillia: 1/4
- Lissandra: 2/4
- Lucian: 4/3.5
- Lulu: 5/4.5
- Lux: 3/4
- Malphite: 3/3.5
- Malzahar: 1/2
- Maokai: 3/4.5
- Master Yi: 3/3.5
- Miss Fortune: 2/3
- Mordekaiser: 3/3.5
- Morgana: 3/4.5
- Nami: 2/4
- Nasus: 2/4.5
- Nautilus: 3/4.5
- Neeko: 4/4.5
- Nidalee: 3/4.5
- Nocturne: 2/3.5
- Nunu: 2/4.5
- Olaf: 2/4.5
- Ornn: 1/2 (Rumored to be in Set 4.5)
- Pantheon: 1/1
- Poppy: 3/3.5
- Pyke: 3/4.5
- Qiyana: 1/2
- Rakan: 3/4.5
- Rek’Sai: 2/2
- Renekton: 1/2
- Rengar: 1/1
- Riven: 2/4
- Rumble: 2/3.5
- Sejuani: 3/4.5
- Senna: 1/2
- Sett: 2/4.5
- Shaco: 2/3.5
- Shen: 5/4.5
- Shyvana: 2/4.5
- Singed: 1/2
- Sion: 1/2
- Sivir: 2/4.5
- Skarner: 1/2
- Sona: 1/3
- Soraka: 3/3.5
- Swain: 2/4.5
- Sylas: 1/4
- Syndra: 3/3.5
- Tahm Kench: 2/4.5
- Taliyah: 1/2
- Talon: 2/4.5
- Taric: 1/2
- Teemo: 3/4.5
- Thresh: 5/4.5
- Tristana: 2/4.5
- Tryndamere: 1/4.5
- Twisted Fate: 5/4.5
- Twitch: 1/2
- Urgot: 1/3.5
- Varus: 2/2
- Vayne: 4/4
- Veigar: 4/4.5
- Vel’Koz: 1/3
- Vi: 5/4.5
- Viktor: 1/3.5
- Vladimir: 1/2 (Rumored to be in Set 4.5)
- Volibear: 2/2
- Warwick: 3/4
- Wukong: 4/4.5
- Xayah: 3/4.5
- Xerath: 2/3.5
- Xin Zhao: 3/4
- Yasuo: 6/4.5
- Yone: 2/4.5
- Yorick: 1/2
- Yuumi: 2/4.5
- Zed: 5/4.5
- Ziggs: 2/3.5
- Zilean: 2/4.5
- Zoe: 2/3.5
- Zyra: 1/2
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