TFT Festival of Beasts
TFT Festival of Beasts – All Articles
Teamfight Tactics is nearing the end of its fifth Set and about to head into Set 6. During this time, many or more realistically, most champions from League of Legends have made their way over to TFT and some have been in nearly every Set since the beginning. With rosters of nearly fifty champions, not…
In a video rundown of everything coming to the PBE, Riot Mort and Chaemirix revealed all of the new champions and what each of them does. Here is a quick list for reference with each new champion and what their abilities are. *Note: These are subject change as the PBE goes on. The abilities listed…
TFT Set 4.5, also known as TFT Fates will soon be available to be played but only on the PBE. This is leading many to wonder how they are able to play TFT Set 4.5 Festival of Beasts? Well here is a quick guide on how to download the PBE test server and then play.…
Teamfight Tactics have announced that Set 4.5 will be called TFT: Festival of Beasts. This new set will bring with it some old and some new champions and abilities. Also, expect there to be some very interesting traits. All that said, people will be wondering when they can get their hands on the new Set?…
Teamfight Tactics is finally getting to the middle point of Set 4. As with these new sets, when this change comes, the Set not only loses some traits and champions but they game brand new ones as well. While some of the new traits and champions are known, much more is not. And with that,…
Teamfight Tactics has been out for over a year now and is in its fourth set. During this time many champions from League of Legends have made their way over to TFT and some have been in nearly every set at one point or another. Even so with rosters of nearly fifty champions, not every…
TFT’s mid-set for TFT Set 4 Fates, TFT Set 4.5 Festival of Beasts, will be arriving very soon. The teasers and leaks continue to pour in for the mid-set patch. Here is a full list of the confirmed Champions that will be in TFT Set 4.5 Festival of Beasts. They will be sorted by their…