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TFT Item Cheat Sheet Set 6 Gizmos and Gadgets

TFT‘s newest seasonal set, Set 6 Gizmos and Gadgets, has brought with it some small changes to the recipes that build combined items in the game. To help players transition over to the new updates, The Game Haus has created a TFT Item Cheat Sheet to help players keep track of how to build their…

List of Champions Who Have Never Been in TFT Through Set 5.5

Teamfight Tactics is nearing the end of its fifth Set and about to head into Set 6. During this time, many or more realistically, most champions from League of Legends have made their way over to TFT and some have been in nearly every Set since the beginning. With rosters of nearly fifty champions, not…

TFT Set 5 Reckoning Item Cheat Sheet

TFT‘s newest seasonal set, Set 5 Reckoning, has brought with it some small changes to the recipes that build combined items in the game. To help players transition over to the new updates, The Game Haus has created a TFT Item Cheat Sheet to help players keep track of how to build their desired items.…

List of Champions Who Have Never Been in TFT

Teamfight Tactics has been out for over a year now and is in its fourth set. During this time many champions from League of Legends have made their way over to TFT and some have been in nearly every set at one point or another. Even so with rosters of nearly fifty champions, not every…

TFT Meta Snapshot/Tier List 10.23 – “Another one buys the Dusk”

The 4-1 Casino meta has finally entered its last patch but unfortunately the meta is still relatively the same and probably will stay that way for the next two weeks. Here is this week’s TFT Meta Snapshot/Tier List for Patch 10.23 S-Tier: Comps that will almost always top four/very likely win Enlightened Talon Last Week…

TFT Fates Item Cheatsheet

TFT‘s newest seasonal set, Fates, has brought with it some small changes to the recipes that build combined items in the game. To help players transition over to the new updates, The Game Haus has created a TFT Item Cheatsheet to help players keep track of how to build their desired items. The TFT Item…

New TFT Set 4 Items and What They Do

As with all new Sets for Teamfight Tactics, there are new items to come along with it. There are always new Spatula items as there are new traits for people to learn. But along with them come new item recipes. For TFT Set 4: Fates, this is still the case. Here are the new TFT…

TFT Galaxies First Live Patch Notes Announced

TFT has just announced that it will be coming to mobile in a few short days alongside the release of TFT: Galaxies. In addition, the first patch notes of Set 3 have just been posted outlining balance changes made from the PBE, ranked, system and other changes coming to the auto battler. These, according to…

TFT Coming to Mobile on March 19 on Both Google Play and App Store

Yes, that’s right, it’s finally happening. Teamfight Tactics (TFT) will be making its official debut on mobile platforms on March 19 and will be available on both Google Play and the App Store. It will launch at various times based on region and will be coming with some other exciting additions for players to be…

When is TFT Galaxies Coming to Live Servers?

TFT’s new set, Galaxies, has just been officially unveiled. This included major details about the 51 champions in Set 3 and the many other cosmetic and gameplay updates. Shortly after the release of many of these details, it was confirmed that TFT would be hitting PBE servers later today (this may have already happened by the…

When is TFT Set 3 Playable on the PBE?

TFT Set 3: Galaxies has now been officially announced, including details about new champions, items, classes, origins and much more. Just as previous sets have been in the past, Galaxies is a complete overhaul of the auto-battler, bringing forth all kinds of new and exciting changes. But, when can players expect to get their hands…

Details About TFT Set 3 Officially Released: New Champions, Items and Much More

The first gameplay footage of TFT Set 3 has officially been revealed as the new set has just gone live on the PBE (test server). TFT: Galaxies features all-new carousels, minions, items, champions and much more, bringing a near-complete overhaul to the auto-battler. Because of all the changes, there is a lot to break down…

Updated List of TFT Galaxies Champions

TFT Galaxies will be coming out soon. With that, here is a full list of the champions that will be in the game along with any known information about them. They will be sorted by their origin and have their cost and class listed. Abilities will also be shown once they are known. Note: This…

TFT Announces Traits for Star Guardians, Cybernetics and Mech-Pilot

Riot Games have announced three new traits for TFT’s newest set, Galaxies. They are the already announced Star Guardians and the completely new, Cybernetics and Mech-Pilot. With that, they also confirmed many new champions for the set. There are some other synergies and traits that are revealed here. Some are new and others are returning…

TFT Set 3 Will Replace Elemental Hexes with Galaxies

It has been confirmed that TFT’s Set 3 will be Galaxy themed, meaning there are some big changes coming to the way the game is played currently. The biggest feature to be announced so far is the new set’s multiple galaxies mechanic that will replace elemental hexes from Set 2. This will be the feature…

TFT Plans to Release Teased Set 3 and Mobile Functionality in Mid-March

League of Legends 2020 news poured out in mass last month with some important news coming for the game’s auto-battler, Teamfight Tactics. 2020 is set to be a monumental year for TFT as it has announced its mobile debut in mid-March, as well as releasing its third Seasonal Set, which was also teased in January’s…

When Will TFT’s Set 3 go Live?

[Update: TFT confirms a planned Mid-March release for Set 3 and mobile, also teases Set 3 theme] According to League of Legends’ recent Season 2020 trailer, information surrounding TFT’s Set 3 and the game’s mobile release will be coming sooner rather than later. As a part of a week full of League of Legends Season…

First Images of TFT’s Mobile Interface Released

League of Legends has released the first images of what TFT is anticipated to look like on mobile devices, as well as stating that a limited closed beta for mobile will release today in some countries. The game is still aimed at coming out for most users in March of 2020, however, this is a…

TFT’s Patch 10.3 Removes Spatula From Carousel, Among Other Changes

TFT’s latest patch notes have been unveiled on the game’s Twitter account today featuring some significant nerfs, buffs, and some other changes to the way players will build their teams. This patch looks to be one of the last major changes to Set 2, with the games third set and mobile release slotted for March…

The 10 Best Carry Champions in TFT Set 2

TFT’s Rise of the Elements has been, through and through, all about maximizing the best champions to make them into one that can carry a team. While defining a “carry” champion can be subjective and heavily dependent on items and overall team synergies, there are a few that seem to stand above the rest as…
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