TFT Tier List – All Articles
Hey everyone, welcome back to another TGH guide written by Trade. As mentioned in his last guide, Trade has managed to hit Challenger three days after set 6.5 came out playing Innovator AD Flex and 6 Hextech Sivir into capped legendaries. He is currently around rank 10 on the Challenger ladder. Here is his LoLChess…
Hey everyone, welcome back to another TGH guide written by Trade. Set 6.5 is only three days in and the meta is shaping up in a seemingly pretty decent spot but with some comps considerably easier to pilot and play. After three days, Trade has hit Challenger, and is currently rank 7 on the NA…
Hi everyone, welcome TGH’s first TFT Set 6.5 Comp Predictions! With TFT Set 6.5 comes the removal of some loved traits and units such as Protectors, Academies but also the introduction of some very exciting new traits such as Hextech, Strikers, Debonairs, a new champion, and even Silco! Oh, and Guardian Angel was also removed…
After a week of Cho’gaths and Akalis, the B patch has finally arrived! Much needed nerfs were given to many dominating units/comps, and some love was given to those not seeing much success. The meta should be shifting once again, as the race to “solve” 11.24B has begun. Here is the TFT Set 6 Tier…
Hi everyone, welcome TGH’s TFT Set 6 Tier List Patch 11.24/Meta Predictions! Patch 11.24 is a huge patch that will probably bring a huge meta shake-up with nerfs to basically every single meta comp. This tier list is written and curated by Trade (aka nathanielleung), a multi-set challenger TFT player. His LoLCHESS can be found…
Hi everyone, welcome TGH’s TFT Set 6 Tier List for Patch 11.23! This is the first balance patch since Set 6’s release and although some traits, champions and combinations are on the much side, the meta seems to be in a somewhat healthy overall state, which is surprising considering that it was the first patch…
Hi everyone, welcome TGH’s TFT Set 6 Tier List Patch 11.22, Day 1! With today being the first day of the set, here is a list of all the comps that are expected to be dominant or playable in the next few weeks! This tier list is written and curated by Trade (aka nathanielleung), a…
TFT‘s newest seasonal set, Set 6 Gizmos and Gadgets, has brought with it some small changes to the recipes that build combined items in the game. To help players transition over to the new updates, The Game Haus has created a TFT Item Cheat Sheet to help players keep track of how to build their…
Welcome back to TGH’s weekly TFT tier list for patch 11.19. This TFT tier list is curated and written by Trade, a multi-set challenger TFT player. His LoLCHESS can be found here. His Twitch can be found here. The most recent patch (11.19) brought a few large changes that have caused a bit of a…
Teamfight Tactics is nearing the end of its fifth Set and about to head into Set 6. During this time, many or more realistically, most champions from League of Legends have made their way over to TFT and some have been in nearly every Set since the beginning. With rosters of nearly fifty champions, not…
S Tier: Will Top 4 Almost Always/ Can Win the Lobby Mr. Set 5’s wild ride continues as new overpowered comps and units seem to be popping up every day out of nowhere. With no B-patch to smooth things over, the meta has been a little more than chaotic, but don’t worry. Here’s a TFT…
Set 5 has been a little herky-jerky so far. With a hotfix after the first patch and a novel of balance changes in the second, it’s pretty easy to get a little whiplash and be unsure as to what is strong right now. But don’t worry, just take a look at this TFT patch 11.10…
TFT‘s newest seasonal set, Set 5 Reckoning, has brought with it some small changes to the recipes that build combined items in the game. To help players transition over to the new updates, The Game Haus has created a TFT Item Cheat Sheet to help players keep track of how to build their desired items.…
With TFT patch 11.6 settled in, here’s a look at the TFT Patch 11.6 Tier List of the best team compositions dominating the boards right now. Also I will be the new TFT writer for TGH, huge thanks to Warren for everything he did before and to keep the consistency of what he was doing…
The 11.3 TFT Patch is finally here. Because of last week’s B-patch, the TFT 11.3 Patch Notes are on the light side. Regardless, there are a few changes that are sure to spice up the meta. Here are the top three meta predictions for the new patch. Reroll meta will not change in the slightest…
The first real tier list of the new set is upon us. With the first week over and done and the B-Patch in full swing, the meta has finally started to settle down. Eight different comps make up this week’s tier list. Here is the TFT 11.2 patch Tier List/Meta Snapshot. S-Tier: Will top 4…
Finally the new Teamfight Tactics update is here. TFT Fates: Festival of Beasts has just released worldwide and is now live on all servers. With the update comes a lot of new faces and of course, that means new comps to try. Need to know what’s good so quickly climbing the ladder is easier? Here…
Teamfight Tactics has been out for over a year now and is in its fourth set. During this time many champions from League of Legends have made their way over to TFT and some have been in nearly every set at one point or another. Even so with rosters of nearly fifty champions, not every…
Hello, we are back with the 10.25 Teamfight Tactics patch update and with it an updated tier list. The meta hasn’t really changed in terms of what comps are viable but what has changed is the understanding of how to approach the game. Comps are pretty much split into two categories. Comps that go deep…
After a week of Zed dominance, a B-patch came up and attempted to shake up the meta. The goal of nerfing Zed succeeded but another oppressive comp simply took his place. Here is the TFT Patch 10.24 B-patch Tier List/ Meta Snapshot. S-Tier: Comps that will almost always top four/very likely win Warwick Last Week…