tft tier list comps
tft tier list comps – All Articles
Teamfight Tactics is nearing the end of its fifth Set and about to head into Set 6. During this time, many or more realistically, most champions from League of Legends have made their way over to TFT and some have been in nearly every Set since the beginning. With rosters of nearly fifty champions, not…
With TFT patch 11.6 settled in, here’s a look at the TFT Patch 11.6 Tier List of the best team compositions dominating the boards right now. Also I will be the new TFT writer for TGH, huge thanks to Warren for everything he did before and to keep the consistency of what he was doing…
Teamfight Tactics has been out for over a year now and is in its fourth set. During this time many champions from League of Legends have made their way over to TFT and some have been in nearly every set at one point or another. Even so with rosters of nearly fifty champions, not every…
With Patch 10.22 coming to a close soon, the meta game has been stabilized for a while now however, one comp has shot up the tier list over the course of the last few days. Besides that, this weeks list is going to look a lot like lasts week. Here is the TFT patch 10.22…
Warren Younger is a Two Time Master+ player in Set 3. Check back for weekly tier lists every Monday for TFT Set 3.5. The wait is over Teamfight Tactics set 3.5 is finally here. The new update brings massive changes to the game and huge shakeups to the meta. But as some things change, others…