Wukong was very recently teased. Stated to come out at the same time as Draven and Darius, Wukong is a fighter and will normally be a champion who is played in the top lane and in the jungle. Many will be wondering, when are they able to play the Monkey King? Here is a look at when he could be hitting the Wild Rift.
[Related: A look at Wukong’s Abilities]
Draven and Darius have been waiting a long time for the Wild Rift. Luckily their wait is coming to a close soon. In Riot’s newest video for the Wild rift, they announced both would be coming soon and stated that Wukong would be joining them.
With the EU release date on the horizon and brand new events, many believe that all three champions will be released right about the same time. That means that Wukong should be coming to the Wild Rift mid December.
With this release will come all new events as well as skins. The Wild Rift continues to get close to the PC version, League of Legends. Wukong will add another solid fighting champion who can get in close and also is able to mess with the opponent a bit. His clones not only do damage but they can be enough to take a big ultimate for the Monkey King or allow him to sneak away.
Either way he should be a fun addition to Wild Rift and fans of League of Legends will continue to be more familiarized with the content of Wild Rift. The only area still looking for the game is North America once it hits Europe which means that the full release of the game should be coming soon.
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