Teamfight Tactics is finally getting to the middle point of Set 4. As with these new sets, when this change comes, the Set not only loses some traits and champions but they game brand new ones as well. While some of the new traits and champions are known, much more is not. And with that, fans will be wondering, when will they get to play this new TFT Set? Here is the most likely release date for TFT Set 4.5, “Festival of Beasts”.
When trying to figure out the date for TFT Fates Set 4.5 Fesitval of Beasts there are a couple of ways to find it. The first is looking at next year’s patch schedule. The current schedule sees the first patch of the year coming on January 6 in 2021. Since the new champions are not on the PBE yet, it feels likely that the first patch of the year is when people will see all of the new things. This will only be on the PBE thought.
As for the official release date of TFT Set 4.5 Festival of Beasts, fans can expect it to come out with the Thursday, January 21 patch or patch 11.2. The reason for this is that they normally release everything on the PBE first to allow fans to test out any of the major issues. It helps the TFT team to balance champions and fix any major bugs.
Then the full release comes to the main servers with the next patch. In this case, that is patch 11.2. After this fans will have another three months with what will be a pretty different game. Players are seeing many major champions leaving and few new ones coming in. It will be interesting to see how the meta shapes up as this should change it in a pretty major way considering comps like Dusk, Moonlight and Hunter are all leaving the game for good.
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