wild rift patch 2.2
wild rift patch 2.2 – All Articles
Patch 2.2 brought huge new changes, with massive updates to the game balance, role selection, and even a whole new game mode. But the skin releases are just as important! In addition to all these amazing skins, Glorious Jinx has been announced for the season 2 ranked reward for summoners who achieve higher than gold.…
Sneaking onto the rift and ganking every solo lane is Kha’Zix. Kha’Zix was first released in League of Legends on September 27, 2012, but 9 years later Kha’Zix returns for the NA Wild Rift release. Being one of the top junglers in the PC release, he is sure to take storm in all elos of…
Back in the spotlight and shining into the Wild Rift, Leona is coming and changing the landscape for supports. After ten years and eight months, having debuted July 13, 2011, Leona makes her debut on Wild Rift. This champ is all about stunning and bursting while taking the brunt of all the enemy attacks. Her…