Patch 2.2 brought huge new changes, with massive updates to the game balance, role selection, and even a whole new game mode. But the skin releases are just as important! In addition to all these amazing skins, Glorious Jinx has been announced for the season 2 ranked reward for summoners who achieve higher than gold. Be sure to climb the ranked ladder to acquire the free skin.
[Related: All Stargazer Skins Coming to Wild Rift]
Wild Rift screen shot
PC model
PC model
PC model
PC model
in game splash art PC
Official Splash art
model from PC version
PC model
PC model
These skins are mostly ports from League PC, with the exception of Glorious Jinx and Hexplorer Jax. Thes skins are sure to look fantastic in their new model renditions on Wild Rift. Though not Wild rift exclusives, seeing more beloved aesthetic skins arriving on the mobile version is fantastic to see. Purchase the PC ports with Wild Cores.
Glorious Jinx, as mentioned previously, is a season 2 reward. More on season 2 details soon. Hexplorer Jax, on the other hand, must be acquired through the missions provided by Wild Pass, which can be purchased with 540 Wild Cores. Once players reach level 50, Hexplorer Jax is rewarded.
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