Apex Legends is finally heading to mobile but not for everyone. As of right now, it is only in select countries as the beta continues to gather data for Respawn. In the opening cinematic scene for the game, players are introduced to many of the legends, including one that is not in it or the main version of the game. Apex Legends Blisk has been known as a possibility for years now as dataminers found him back in 2019. Now it would seem as though Apex Legends Blisk was potentially leaked as likely the next legend coming with the next season.
[Related: How to Download Apex Legends Mobile]
Check out the image below.
For those who may not know, Blisk is a pretty important character for Respawn. He was not only in Titanfall but was also the one who started the Apex games which is now known as Apex Legends. Blisk was seen in the opening cinematic for the original launch of Apex Legends a little over three years ago as well.
As one can see, he has aged a bit since the original trailer as he now has a full head of grey hair. While fans may point out the fact that get was in the original cinematic as well and hasn’t joined up to this point, there is one part in the video at the very end that makes it seem as though he could be joining soon.
In the cinematic, he gets up to walk away and this time he has a suit on that is used by all the legends as they drop into the arena. This may be an indicator that Blisk is finally joining in the fight himself. Until that is confirmed by Respawn this will remain speculation but signs are pointing to Blisk being the next Apex Legend.
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