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PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds has announced that they will be altering the professional rules in tournaments beginning in 2019. Social media has placed their input on these changes, and it has seemingly been both positive and negative. Below I discuss the two main changes that are coming. 1. 18+ years old only PUBG wants to keep professional…
With the regular season wrapped up for the NA LCS, Riot will soon announce the Summer Split awards. Most Valuable Player, Rookie of the Split, Coach of the Split and the All-Pro teams are up for grabs, with the broadcast team and chosen third party media casting ballots. Playoffs are later this week, so, before…
Jacob Wolf of ESPN recently reported that FlyQuest has signed Santorin as a starting jungler for the 2018 Summer Split. This is the first mid-season roster report for the NA LCS so far. Since this is the first year of franchising, it is unclear how much each organization will shake up their teams after one…
Team Liquid won the 2018 NA LCS Spring Split on Sunday, becoming the fourth organization to do so. They took 100 Thieves 3-0 in a best-of-five series to cement their victory. Every member contributed powerful performances, between Xmithie’s Baron steal, Impact’s gank resistance, Pobelter’s Shurima Shuffles and Olleh and Doublelift’s bottom lane dominance. Particularly stand-out,…
Just like traditional sports, esports analysis is full of statistics which are meant to succinctly represent teams’ and players’ strengths and weaknesses. Professional League of Legends is no exception. League analysts use numbers and percentages regarding creep score, jungle proximity, gold difference, and kill-death-assist ratio to understand each match and to judge each individual over…
Zach “Sneaky” Scuderi – “I make up for it in other ways, like just screaming randomly.” Parqueso – Are the changes to 8.2 going to be a buff to Cloud 9’s bot lane? Is this playing towards your strength? Are you more excited for the changes that are coming? Sneaky – “I’d say personally I…
The era of franchised esports leagues begins with the opening of the Overwatch League at Blizzard’s Arena in Burbank, California. The team-based, first-person shooter, with millions of players and fans worldwide, throws its hat into the competitive arena, but I’m not here to talk the business side anymore. It’s finally time for the players to…
After a two month lull in competitive DotA 2, the first ranked tournament of the season is now only a week away. While qualifier games have been plentiful lately, victories there do not translate into TI8 Qualifying Points. The Star Ladder i-League Invitational will put the first of these points on the board for the…
The finality of finals finally. We made it. Back to the bracket (no more group stages!), eyes on the prize, $25,000 to first place plus an invitation to Season One of Contenders, $10,000 to second and so on. But we don’t know who’s going to be featured on the weekend streams and there are only…
I’ve said it before: Sports are a metaphor for how the real world functions. More specifically, team sports. The amount of applicable lessons you take away from playing sports is extraordinary. Now, if players on a sports team can love each other and reach victorious fulfillment, why can’t the whole human race do the same?…
In the summer of 2015, my sister and I traveled to Europe to visit our cousin. We stayed in Paris for a few days knowing we also wanted to explore other places in Europe. Interestingly enough, one night we had a conversation about whether we would wait in a line to get a picture with…
TSM is coming off as one of the most disappointing teams at Worlds. Despite being known as the “Group of Death,” I believe TSM’s could have managed more than 1 win in their group (KT, OG, LGD) LGD severely under-performed at Worlds, but still managed to absolutely crush TSM in their second game. TSM not…
1)Drama. Lots of it. Last year’s NA LCS ended with the oldest rivalry clashing in Madison Square Garden. The conclusion of the NA LCS season could not have been more dramatic. The biggest rivalry in League of Legends left a sour taste to TSM fans as CLG made its way to an easy 3-0 victory.…
In just about 2 weeks, the 2016 Spring Split will be upon us. This seemed as good a time as any to put in my predictions and expectations for the split, and maybe offer a bit of analysis into my picks. Over the next 2 weeks I’ll be releasing a series of articles giving my…