Home » Overwatch Halloween Event 2019
overwatch halloween event 2019

Overwatch Halloween Event 2019: What Skins Could Fans See?

Publish Date: October 7, 2019

One of the oldest annual Overwatch events is just around the corner. At the beginning of every October, the annual Halloween Terror event returns to Overwatch. Complete with the very popular PvE mode, Junkenstein’s Revenge, the game gets a cosmetics update. Characters like Reaper, McCree, Ana and Mei have been lucky before in receiving multiple skins for the event. The likes of Dragon Symmetra and Witch Mercy have been claimed as instant classics, and very popular among the overall-Overwatch fan base.

[Related: When is Overwatch’s Halloween Terror Event Starting?]

With the event nearing, it’s always fun to speculate which characters are getting new skins. This time around, with the addition of new characters into the PvE mode, characters who haven’t quite gotten a chance to join in on the spooky fun could finally see some love. The most popular fan theories and designs are in. Hopefully, the developer team engages with the community once more to bring their visions to life.

1: Fairytale D.Va

overwatch halloween event 2019

Image courtesy of the artist, Silas Zee.

A long sought after skin has been some sort of Cinderella-esque design for D.Va. Though one of the most popular characters in the game, D.Va has yet to receive a single Halloween skin. The idea of a traditional pumpkin mech has since been tossed aside (Wrecking Ball received a Jack-o-lantern skin last year). However, with some tweaks, this amazing designer created something that gives off the perfect fairytale illusion.

With Hana and her mech donning the same pair of glass slippers, players can enjoy their own happily ever after during the month of October. Since the game went live, fans have been discussing a skin like this for D.Va. Maybe this year is the year that all of their dreams come true.

2: Ghost Lucio

With his quick mobility and energetic personality, Lucio is another popular character that’s yet to receive a Halloween skin. With how he moves, he’d be the perfect fit for some kind of ghost skin. A translucent effect could have deeper implications for things like hit boxes, but a fun gothic twist could let Lucio be as spooky as he wanted, while still being visible in the game.

Lucio glides across maps so quickly, riding on walls and delivering his team to the point in a matter of seconds. Ghosts and spirits move in the same way, therefore letting Lucio join the other side for a month could give players a peek into his scary side.

3: Headless Horseman Orisa

overwatch halloween event 2019

Image courtesy of the artist, AceFlorins.

Orisa’s arrival into the game gave Overwatch it’s first quadruped character. Though she’s not technically a horse, she walks and functions like one. Therefore, it only makes sense that Orisa is given a skin that resembles the Headless Horseman. Fans could argue that Reaper has gotten the better end of that deal with his very first Pumpkin Head skin. However, Orisa could have her own flavor, while allowing her to join the Halloween party.

This fan drawing gives her the fabled lantern on her back, while her gun is more stylized. A high collar and cloak that wraps around her shoulders completes the creepy look. This skin is something that’s been talked about among the community for over a year. Hopefully, 2019 treats them kindly.

4: Spaceman Baptiste

A new hero added earlier this year, Baptiste is due for a proper induction into the Overwatch roster. Wrecking Ball received a Legendary Halloween skin last year, therefore it’s only fitting that Baptiste follows suit. With the way his Exo Boots allow him to shoot into the air before falling back down, nothing suits Baptiste more than an authentic spacesuit.

Pharah has recently just gotten an astronaut suit, which could cause slight issues in the long run. However, Overwatch also has an abundance of heroes dressed up like pirates. There’s plenty of room on the roster for two moon travelers! Just picture it—a large, bubbled helmet. A big, puffy white suit that fits down into a large pair of moon shoes. Let him loose outside of Horizon Lunar Colony, and the costume practically sells itself.

5: Will o’ the Wisp Tracer

overwatch halloween event 2019

Image courtesy of the artist, Enji Yamakuza.

Out of all the rumored skins, this one is the most likely to come true. Last year, Overwatch added Tracer into the popular PvE mode, Junkestein’s Revenge. All the characters who play in that mode go by an old fashioned code name. Ana, for example, is referred to as The Alchemist. Brigitte is the Sheildmadien, Hanzo is The Archer, and so forth. With Tracer’s unique blink and rewind, her nickname was the Will o’ the Wisp. In folklore, will o’ the wisps are tiny, bright lights that lure people into the woods and into pure mischief.

The nickname suits her play style and aesthetic perfectly. With her inclusion in the event, there’s a large chance that Tracer will get her own Will o’ the Wisp skin. Designer Enji Yamakuza drafted up what could be, giving Tracer glowing blue skin and wooden features that fight the theme of the forest. Even if the end result doesn’t look exactly like this, there’s a large chance fans could see something similar when October hits.

6: Invisible Man Sigma

Brand new hero Sigma has already made a splash in the Overwatch scene. A new shield tank hero, Sigma has seen plenty of play time, both on the ladder and in professional play. Because of this, there’s a chance that Sigma could be one of the new heroes to get a Halloween skin. His dark background certainly plays into the scarier elements of the holiday, and many of his Team Talon members have gotten Halloween skins before him.

Given the fact that he works with science, and hovers just inches above the ground, something classic suits this new hero. The Invisible Man, an older horror archetype, could be a perfect match. Wrapped in bandages from head to toe, and donning a suit and a pair of sunglasses, Sigma could hunt down foes without ever being seen.

7: Saloon Girl Ashe

overwatch halloween event 2019

Image courtesy of the artist, Armando Gonzalez.

Perhaps it’s a little too on the nose, but there’s no way fans could resist seeing everyone’s favorite cowgirl in a more stylized fashion. Being the leader of her own gang means Ashe makes the rules, and if she wanted to call back to olden times in the Wild Wild West, fans certainly wouldn’t complain. What makes it even better is the spooky twist that designer Armando Gonzales put into his creation.

Pale skin, darker tones, and sharpened teeth turn Ashe’s saloon aesthetic into a gothic vampire. Reaper and Symmetra have both gotten a vampiric touch, with Reaper donning a Dracula skin just two years ago. With both of them toeing on the more corrupt side of the tracks when it comes to morality in the overarching Overwatch lore, it’d be cool to see how Ashe could fit into it.

8: Swamp Thing Winston

Not to be confused with the recently released Swamp Monster Doomfist, Swamp Thing Winston has incredible potential. Though Winston just received a Legendary skin from the Anniversary Event (that could definitely qualify as a Halloween skin), he’s also overdue for some holiday fun. Based on an older model of the original Swamp Thing, Winston has the size (and the ultimate) to pull off a giant monster, covered in moss and leaves.

Overall, it would match in theme with Invisible Man Sigma. A call back to some of the classic horror tales could give Overwatch cosmetic content a good refresh. Additionally, focusing on a hero that’s coming back into the limelight with shifting metas could bring up their playtime. Green, secretive, and angry, Swamp Thing Winston gives a whole new look on everyone’s favorite optimistic gorilla.

9: Swordsman Genji

overwatch halloween event 2019

Image courtesy of the artist, NeoNick95.

Lastly, a skin that’s been teased through the official Overwatch Halloween comic. Genji’s inclusion in the Halloween event is over two years old now. This means that he’s well overdue for a Halloween skin of his own, and the best way to do that is to introduce content from another medium. Swordsman Genji has been around for years, without any real introduction into the game. His title in the PvE even is even The Swordsman, making the skin more likely as the event gets closer and closer.

A fan rendering shows what the comic skin could look like in the game. A similar style to Hanzo’s Kabuki skin, Genji dons the same hat and stance. Though he still wears his face mask underneath, his eyes are visible. It gives him a Blackwatch Genji feel, and definitely suits his personality.



Fan crafted event skins are plentiful and are never truly lacking. Hopefully, some of what the community wants to see is represented when the event hits the live servers. As of right now, no announcements have been made from the official Overwatch twitter.



Featured Image Courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment.

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