As with most seasons of League of Legends, there has been a Victorious skin for players to try and get. They only receive this skin if they have finished at least Gold or higher. Last year it was Lucian that got his skin, this year it seems to be someone a little different. Here is a look at whether or not Victorious Annie was teased as the next Victorious ranked reward for 2021.
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There have been some incredible Victorious skins in the past. Jarvan was the first one and he was released in 2011. This continued as many more fan-favorite champions received their skins for hitting gold as well. Here is a list of each one and the year they came out.
2011- Jarvan
2012- Janna
2013- Elise
2014- Morgana
2015- Sivir
2016- Maokai
2017- Graves
2018- Orianna
2019- Aatrox
2020- Lucian
Seeing as the Tweet from the official League of Legends Twitter account posted not only a picture of a teddy bear but also a bear emoji, Annie would be a safe bet for this year’s skin. What will be interesting is to see what she looks like along with how cool Tibbers could end up looking.
More and more Annie has been getting skins less connected to anything and more connected to events. She was also the 10 Year Anniversary skin for League of Legends just a few years ago. Now it would seem that she is next in line to join an exclusive, but less exclusive than the anniversary skin, club with the Victorious skins.
Worlds 2021 is right around the corner and with it the end of the 2021 season which should be happening at the end of October. Make sure to get the grind going for Gold as soon as possible or miss out on what should be another great skin.
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