After literally years of waiting the answer to who the Ruined King is can be answered. Viego was finally revealed and he will be the newest and first champion coming to League of Legends in 2021. Here is a look at the character and now champion that fans have been waiting for, for a long time.
[Related: What is Viego’s Release Date?]
Passive – Sovereign’s Domination
Viego can temporarily possess enemy champions he helps kill, healing for a portion of their max health. Viego’s items, attacks, and non-ultimate abilities become those of his slain enemy’s, and he gains a free cast of his own ultimate.
Q – Blade of the Ruined King
Passive: Viego’s attacks deal a percent of the target’s current health as bonus damage. When Viego attacks an enemy he recently hit with an ability, the attack strikes twice.
Active: Viego stabs forward with his blade, damaging all enemies hit.
W – Spectral Maw
Viego charges up and then dashes forward, hurling a blast of mist that stuns and damages the first enemy hit. Stun duration and mist range increase with charge time, damage and dash range don’t.
E – Harrowed Path
Viego spreads a wave of Black Mist around a nearby wall. While in the mist, Viego becomes Camouflaged and gains Attack Speed and Movement Speed.
R – Heartbreaker
Viego discards any bodies he is currently possessing and teleports forward, attacking the enemy champion in range with the lowest percent health and dealing bonus damage based on their missing health. Other enemies in range are knocked away.
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