Days of the Frozen Throne is an event on Hearthstone that will commence starting on September 19. The event will take us back to the Knights of the Frozen Throne expansion and last through September 23. This is the first time we’ve really had an entire event based around an expansion long after its release.
Death Knight Power
The Tavern Brawl during Days of the Frozen Throne will feature all of the classes’ Death Knight cards. The unique spin is that you start as the Death Knight without having to play the card. Unfortunately, you will not be able to craft your own decks, but it is a fun way to see what Death Knight is the best from turn one without its Battlecry.
Frost Lich Jaina has to be the most overpowered of the group if she is able to start creating 3/6s with lifesteal as early as turn two. Thrall, Deathseer being able to create large cost minions is also a really powerful effect in the early game.
Bloodreaver Gul’dan and Malfurion the Pestilent are Death Knights with the ability to do a lot of damage in the early game, three damage respectively. Guldan has the added benefit of healing himself for three, and it’s hard to imagine out-valuing that. Shadowreaper Anduin also has the strength of dealing 2 damage, and being able to reset his hero power multiple times in the same turn.
The remaining Death Knights have some glaring weaknesses when pit against the others. Scourgelord Garrosh’s effect of dealing one damage to all minions doesn’t really clear boards, and harms his board just as much. Uther of the Ebon Blade continually threatens lethal with his Horsemen, but they are easily destroyed. Valeera the Hollow can’t make value out of the additional card because of the mana cost in the early game. Deathstalker Rexxar finds himself in the same spot as he has to spend two mana to create a Zombeast before playing it.
Days of the Frozen Throne Rewards
Logging in during the event will earn players a free golden Happy Ghoul. You can add the card to your full golden Heal Zoolock deck, or simply disenchant it for 100 dust.
There will also be two special event quests, yielding 300 gold each. For the free to play players, that’s a nice welcome chunk of change. Those willing to spend a little cash can buy 30 Knights of the Frozen Throne packs for $19.99.
For those who may have forgotten, there are some key cards from the Frozen Throne set still in top meta decks. Most notably is the man who represents the theme of the set, The Lich King himself. Another legendary finding its way into a lot of decks is Prince Keleseth. There’s also all of the Death Knight cards, who are being featured in the Tavern Brawl.
It’s interesting travelling back to an older set, and also a new idea in Hearthstone. Maybe we will see future events for the other sets like Kobolds & Catacombs, which is the next set in release order.
Images courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment via their official website.
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