There is nothing more exciting than new content in the age of live service games. Apex Legends does that every two or three months for fans with their new seasons. Most of these seasons include a new Legends, some include new guns and others, new maps. There are rumors of that last part happening soon. Come see what new Apex Legends Map could be coming with Season 20.
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Apex Legends Map Season 20
There are plenty of rumors that Apex Legends Map Season 20 is coming and that it may be a more compact map called District. There have been a few hints shown in different videos and they are connected. Below is a look at the first one from almost a month ago on Reddit.
While this one certainly does not prove anything, there were leakers and data miners who seemed to think this was significant. Even some thinking it could be called PowerGrid or something similar. There is speculation that Season 20 will be called Urban as well and a map like this would fit.
Apex Legends City Map
The second instance of a new Apex Legends City Map was seen in the latest story video, Kill Code Part 4. It can be seen on a tablet held by Duardo who has been calling the shots as the big bad for some time now.
There is a bit more information given here. The area is apparently called Suotamo and the Power Outages have continued. What that will mean for the potential map is currently unknown but there is a better look at it. The City Map will certainly be one of tight spaces and building-to-building fighting.
While this can be annoying, it is some of the best fighting in Apex Legends. Shotguns will likely be king and while many may think Legends like Revenant and Valkyrie may not have as much use, the height advantage could be massive.
Regardless, there is likely more coming out on the new season soon. So make sure to keep it here at The Game Haus to stay up to date on Apex Legends News.
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