There is nothing more exciting than new content in the age of live service games. Apex Legends does that every two or three months for fans with their new seasons. Most of these seasons include a new Legends, some include new guns and others, new maps. There are only rumors of the next Legend right now but many are starting to think the newest Apex Legends Legend could be Tinkerer. Here is what is known about this character so far.
[Related: New Apex Legends Map Coming With Season 20?]
The main theory behind Apex Legends Tinkerer being the next Legend comes from a leaker on Twitter named Osvaldatore. They have been correct on a lot of leaks and clearly have a pipeline of information that they are ready to use at any time. Below is the conversation on Reddit surrounding this information.
To be clear, the images used are false. Just in the sense that it is likely fan art or art from a different game. This isn’t to say that Tinkerer, if they are the Legend, couldn’t look something like one of them. It is not likely though.
The leaks surrounding the Apex Legends Season 20 Legend are pretty minimal so far. That being said, they will be on the way as we get closer to the start of the new season. Normally the leak cycle is a few weeks ahead of the new season.
There was a massive leak of Legends that were being tested a few years ago. Many of the Legends in that leak or more accurately series of leaks have come to the game. One was Jester and there are many who are speculating that they were reworked into this new Legends, Tinkerer.
If that is the case then they will have a very interesting kit. Being able to turn grenades into mines can really make taking an area a hassle. Having zone of control is a major advantage in Apex Legends and the addition of mines would certainly give that in spades.
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