There are many things that will be going into effect with the new season coming out for Call of Duty Vanguard. That being season one of the Vanguard era. Here are all of the things players need to know about Season One Call of Duty Vanguard Era.
Warzone is finally coming out with a brand new map. This map consists of all Warzone elements of the Pacific during World War Two. The one thing to point out is the edition of planes, new guns, and new drops. Who knows what is to come when it comes to playing the game, now that it is a completely different era.
Rebirth Island is getting a brand new look of a prison-style island within the Pacific while also bringing back vibes from the old map. This could be another fun iteration of the Warzone game mode as a whole.
Along with the new maps in Warzone, there are also a lot of things that will be coming in addition to those two. Those being 45+ new weapons, a new gulag, Vanguard Royale & Resurgence, and new combat vehicles like the plane, cargo truck, and AA gun truck.
There will be two new maps added in Paradise and Radar. Along with those, there is finally the new game mode in control that will be added. All this, while there will be a new perk and lethal within multiplayer as well.
In zombies, there will be a new objective with the purge being in effect in it. There will also be a whole bunch of new weapons and weapon updates as well. There will also be new challenges, covenants, features, Von Lists Office, and support killstreaks.
The Sawtooth and Katana will be added as new melee weapons for players to have fun with them in this new season. There will also be two new guns added, those being the Cooper Carbine, Welgun, and Gorenko Anti-Tank rifle.
There will be new operators in Francis, Lewis, and Isabella. Along with those, there will also be operator bundles with Curse of the Ancients, Fire Starter Mastercraft, and the Skull Collector Pro Pack.
Featured Image Courtesy of Call of Duty
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