The Master of The Loyal Three was potentially revealed– serving as the leader of the Legendary Pokemon that debuted in The Teal Mask. For those unaware, The Loyal Three were initially thought to be heroes. But their true nature was revealed in the story, characterized by their greed.
[Related: How to catch the Loyal Three]
And as typical mischievous groups in Pokemon go, there is likely to be a leader directing their actions. This Pokemon was teased in an artistic cut scene.
The Pokemon is “rumored to appear in The Indigo Disk,” which is the second part of the Pokemon DLC.
According to Centro LEAKS on Twitter, “details about it have been leaking via hints for months now.” Therefore, it’s highly probable there will be a brand new Legendary Pokemon in The Indigo Disk, in the form of the Master of The Loyal Three.
There’s even been a plushie that looks an eerily lot like the Pokemon picture leaked above. The picture showcases a pink, round doll with what appears to be two limbs. Considering within the Pokemon universe, dolls and statues of Legendary Pokemon are commonplace, the plushie could very realistically be a teaser for the future.
Of course, until official confirmation, keep this as all mere speculation. Granted, the speculation has very strong grounds of evidence, but this is in no way an official Pokemon announcement from The Pokemon Company.
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