The bot lane is finally getting some love with the addition of Samira. She will be the new gun and sword slinging ADC from Shurima. To say that she is complicated would be an understatement but that should hopefully make her more interesting. The question now becomes, when will she be coming out?
[Related: A Look at Samira’s Abilities]
Riot Games have been releasing new champions left and right during the last half of this year. This comes six months after Sett had come out. Lillia and Yone are currently out and it seems as though there is likely one more champion to come out this year after Samira.
Luckily if people are wanting to test Samira out, she is currently available on the PBE. This means that unless they find something extremely wrong with her, she will be coming out with the next Patch. For players who do not want to or like to use the PBE, they can get their hands on her with Patch 10.19 on September 21. While it is unusual she did not release with the patch and instead is coming out a few days after it.
She is definitely a champion that will be challenging for people until they get used to her. Not only to play as but also to play against. Look for her to potentially take a ban spot in solo queue not necessarily because she is overpowered, although that could be the case, but more so because people won’t know how to play her right away.
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