With the Spring Split over and sadly no MSI due to COVID-19 it is time to start looking towards the 2020 Summer Split. Doublelift has joined back up with Bjergsen and Biofrost on TSM to try and take on Cloud9 who rolled through the LCS. But when will fans be able to see it all happen? There were some thoughts that the LCS would start in the middle of May in place of MSI but once the LEC announced that it would be starting June 12, it was clear the LCS would not be far behind. Sure enough soon after the LEC announcement, the LCS stated that it will be starting June 13.
The 2020 #LCS Summer Split begins on June 13!
Learn more at: https://t.co/kiRfD52T1x pic.twitter.com/f45qCY2csq
— LCS (@LCSOfficial) April 27, 2020
Strangely enough, this is actually later than last year by almost two weeks but earlier than in 2018 by four days. This seems to indicate that COVID-19 has not had too much of an effect on Riot’s plans for the rest of the season. They have stated that they are planning on doing Worlds even though MSI was canceled with the hope to have it still in one place. It is likely that they are waiting to make any official announcement until they see how traditional sports handles the rest of the year. The MLB, NHL and NBA are all already working on plans to get things back in order. With most of the leagues considering playing but not having fans in the stands it feels like Riot would like to do something similar. If not, League of Legends is online and it feels like they could Worlds online in a much less grand scale than they usually have.
Either way the LCS Summer Split will be starting in June and leading off the second half of the season will be a rematch between FlyQuest and current LCS champs, Cloud9. Make sure to keep an eye out for any major changes as so far TSM have signed Doublelift and Team Liquid have brought on Jatt to be their new Head Coach. With more moves to come keep it here at The Game Haus to stay up to date on all the details.
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