Top: Khan

The only addition to the team, Khan joined from T1 during the off-season. Known for playing carry orientated champions, which Gimgoon prefers to not play, he will require a different playstyle from the rest of the team. Despite losing both of the matches in week one, Khan picked up MVP in the two games they won. While synergy still needs work, fans are optimistic about the new addition to the team.
Top: GimGoon

Despite the rumors of his retirement, GimGoon said he will return for one more year. Known for his ability to play as a weak-side top laner, GimGoon proved himself to be a rock that FPX can rely on. He is expected to share time with Khan for the rest of the year. That being said, with the number of carries in the current top lane meta, as well as the team looking to build synergy with their new top laner, it might be a while before fans see him play.
Jungle: Tian

Mid: DoinB

After years of coming close to making it to Worlds, but always falling short, 2019 was different. On a roster that allowed DoinB’s roaming playstyle to flourish, FPX and DoinB made it and won it all. Last year DoinB showed the world that his unique style doesn’t make him less of a threat. This year, he already changed his residency from Korea to China, as he is looking to add another successful year to his career.
Carry: Lwx

The shotgun of the bot lane finished 2019 off in style, being the only player to have not died once during a World’s final. Winning Carry of the split in Summer 2019, Lwx finished the year in the best form possible. FPX will need him to continue in his top form if they are to continue competing alongside the best. In a region filled to the brim with bot lane carry talent, Lwx will spend another year beside his trusted support, Crisp.
Support: Crisp

The longtime partner in crime of Lwx, Crisp finally demonstrated that he is a top tier support. After spending so long in the middle of the pack, as far as supports go, 2019 was a big year for Crisp. Being on both the spring and summer all-pro teams, Crisp showed that he belongs alongside the other top tier supports in the LPL.