Apex Legends: Hunted introduces not only a new Legend but also adjustments to Newcastle. Newcastle mains will be happy to hear that a majority of the legend’s adjustments are buffs. Here are all the Apex Legends Hunted Newcastle buffs happening in season 14.
Retrieve the Wounded
- Increased move speed during reviving sequence by 25%.
- Reduced turn slow while reviving by 50%.
- Increased White Knockdown shield health from 150 -> 200.
- Increase Blue Knockdown shield health from 250 -> 300.
Mobile Shield
- Increased hp from 350 -> 500
- Doubled max movement speed.
Castle Wall
- Added turn slow to electrical barrier effects and increased the severity of the slow effect to movement.
Newcastle wasn’t the only legend to receive some changes. Here are all the other legends who received adjustments as well.
- Black Hole: Adjustments to N.E.W.T’s hitbox to make destroying it more reliable.
- Black Hole: N.E.W.T. takes 50% more damage from explosives
- Improvements to Perimeter Security placement system.
VTOL Jets Changes
- Acceleration on activation decreased by about 8%.
- Fuel consumption on activation increased by 33%.
- Aerial boosting & strafing take a 20% debuff when hit by slowing effects.
- Added a third orange state to the fuel meter UI between green (>60%) and red (<30%).
Missile Swarm
- Aim/turn slow removed.
- Move slow duration decreased from 2.5s -> 2.0s.
- Reducing the explosion radius from 175 -> 125.
Skyward Dive
- Height reduction of 25%.
- Launch time reduced from 5.5s -> 5.0s. Coupled with the height reduction, players in Valkyrie’s ult now travel upward at a slightly slower speed.
Mad Maggie
Riot Drill
- Projectile Launch Speed doubled.
Wrecking Ball
- Will travel twice as far while dropping the same amount of magnets.
- Duration increased from 5 seconds → 10 seconds.
- Magnet Spawn delay increased from 0.4 seconds → 0.8 seconds.
- Wrecking Ball will deal damage to enemy placeable objects: Black Market, Castle Walls, Exhibit, Death Totem, Mobile Shield, Black Hole, Amped Cover, and Gas Barrels. It will also destroy Gibraltar’s Dome of Protection.
- Fixed Wrecking Ball not blinding and slowing enemies.
- Now ignores friendly collision on Amped Cover placement.
- Fixed gas ramping bug where transitioning from friendly to enemy gas would initially damage for more than intended.
- Mirage Decoys will now be scanned by Valkyrie when skydiving.
- Mirage Decoys will now be picked up by Seer’s Heart Seeker.
- Fixed a bug where Mirage Decoys were picked up by Seer’s Exhibit as AI and not players.
- Death Totem will now show a placement preview when activated instead of placing immediately.
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