In just about 2 weeks, the 2016 Spring Split will be upon us. This seemed as good a time as any to put in my predictions and expectations for the split, and maybe offer a bit of analysis into my picks. Over the next 2 weeks I’ll be releasing a series of articles giving my analysis of where each team is and how I think they will fare in the coming season. Now, as of today, not every team’s full roster has been announced, so these are subject to changes (which I’ll post in the forum if necessary) but, without further ado, I present to you my 2016 Spring Split NA and EU Predictions!
NA Regular Season:
- C9
- Immortals
- Team Dignitas
- Team Liquid
- Renegades
- Echo Fox
In every version of this I came up with, I had TSM and C9 at the top. Immortals is a shot in the dark, but they have an incredibly strong roster and I have high expectations. Personally I think this is going to be a great season for Dig. Depending on who replaces Quas, Liquid could move up or down a few spaces. I don’t expect much from NRG, despite having a pretty decent roster, I just don’t see them as a powerhouse. CLG is going to struggle, if they sweep the first weekend I’ll be willing to bump them up, but I predict a mediocre split. Renegades is probably my personal favorite team, but I don’t see them being particularly competitive. Lastly Echo Fox doesn’t even have a roster yet, so until I see some names I’m placing them at 9.
EU Regular Season:
- Origen
- Fnatic
- Team Vitality
- Unicorns of Love
- Giants Gaming
- H2K
- G2 Esports
- Elements
- Splyce
- Roccat
I think Origen is a pretty safe pick at 1, and despite 3 new members Fnatic is never far from the top. Vitality is an intriguing team with a great roster. I love UoL’s new roster and I think they have lots of potential, I also think they’ll be my favorite this season. Giant’s spot depends on who they pick up, but I have high hopes. H2K looks okay, but I’m always apprehensive about FORG1VEN. G2 looks weak. Froggen is probably the best mid in EU, but I don’t think he can carry Elements. Splyce looks kinda meh, they did well in Challenger, but I don’t think it will translate. Roccat has no roster, so they are at the bottom.
Am I crazy? Am I a genius? I want to hear your thoughts, head on over to the forum and post your own predictions! And keep an eye out for my individual team analysis the next two weeks, I’ll be starting with TSM!