Earlier on Wednesday morning, the Shanghai Dragons announced that they are parting ways with Joon-hwan “GuardiaN” Cho. The D. Va rookie came in during the teams’ offseason, signing from Toronto Esports back in October of 2018.
This may not be a surprise for many, as GuardiaN appeared in only one series this season, back in Stage 1 versus the London Spitfire. At the time, the Dragons had not found their rhythm on 2CP maps, and they tested a strategy that included GuardiaN instead of Jin-hyeok “DDing” Yang.
As DDing has evolved into one of the best Sombra players in the league, GuardiaN has been left on the bench. Couple that with Se-yeon “Geguri” Kim being the next player up on Shanghai’s depth chart, he may have a better fit with another team.
What’s next?
Now that the Dragons have a roster spot open to fill if needed, this may bode well for one of the teams’ original players. Fans may remember back in April when Eui-Seok “Fearless” Lee was announced to be placed on Team CC, Shanghai’s Contenders academy team. Now in good health with some play time, the Dragons may move him up to the OWL roster. Known for his Winston play and main tank roles, Fearless would be an excellent addition to boost Shanghai’s depth at main tank.
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