Call of Duty Warzone has taken the gaming world by storm as the latest Battle Royale option available. It’s a big hit not only because of Call of Duty, but because it’s free as well. Other than with CoD Mobile, it’s rare to see a free offering in the series. So now everyone can get a chance to experience what the game is all about. Grab some armor and guns and get on out there.
Now wait, hold on there; before jumping straight into battle, there are a couple of quick tips that may be helpful. The game can seem overwhelming at first, especially for beginners. Remember, this is a free Call of Duty game, so anyone can grab it. This means that there will be many players that maybe don’t have the experience. These two tips are to the point but could be useful.
Get some practice Battle Royales in
One of the goods things about Warzone is that they offer players the chance to practice in a Battle Royale setting. This is a great way to get a feel for things. Playing in a wide-open area with soldiers scattered everywhere can be overwhelming. Getting in some practice rounds will make players feel a little more comfortable. This will also give players a chance to test out different weapons and loadouts. And if players die, then they’ll be able to practice their Gulag fighting skills as well.
Play in Squad Battle Royale instead of Solos
Now, many players already do this, but it will be good for beginners as well. To get a feel for some real Warzone action; start out with squads in Battle Royale. That way, players can have some backup and it may make things a little easier. After a while, then feel free to hop into a Solos match and give that a try. Many players, however, do still prefer playing with squads anyways. So, if there’s no interest in Solos, then definitely go ahead and stick with squads. Oh, and have fun.
Colin Mieczkowski covers the Minnesota Rokkr and Call of Duty for The Game Haus. He can be followed on Twitter @GhostPandaColin. Also, be sure to follow The Game Haus @TGHEsports.Â