Apex Legends officially revealed their newest map, Stormpoint for Apex Legends Season 11, Escape. They have been showing off and teasing this map for quite some time now. This one will certainly have a bit of a different feel than previous maps but seems like one that fans will enjoy. Now fans will be wanting a look, at the newest Apex Legends Stormpoint Map.
[Related: What is the Apex Legends Stormpoint Map Release date?]
Here are images from the latest Apex Legends trailer for Stormpoint.
Between spiders and other creatures, it would seem that similarly to World’s Edge, there will be monsters to fight. Whether they will be confined to only one area like World’s Edge is not known yet.
This is a look at the newest gun coming to Apex Legends in the Car SMG. The unique addition this gun brings is the fact that it can use both light and heavy ammunition.
This is a quick look at a new area on the map. It looks as though sniping around here may be tough with all of the trees and other foliage.
This was the first look at the new jump pad or more like a cannon shooting legends out across the map. It is the first time that Apex Legends has added an area like this to the game.
In this image, players can see why it is called Stormpoint.
Below are some other images shown in the latest Apex Legends Stormpoint map reveal trailer. There is clearly some eastern references and maybe more accurately south pacific references with this map.
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