In preparation for the Urgot rework, we at The Game Haus have prepared a side by side comparison of how The Headsman’s Pride has changed into the Dreadnought that will drop in the next few weeks. Here we will cover the changes Urgot will receive and possible utilizations of his new kit in the top lane.
Urgot, The Headsman’s Pride
Currently, Urgot is a short ranged “Marksman” with the ability to have longer ranges based upon whether or not he can successfully hit his Noxian Corrosive Charge (E). Urgot’s current kit revolves around Acid Hunter (Q), an ability very similar to Ezreal’s Mystic Shot (Q) in that it is a spammable linear skill shot that does physical damage. Acid Hunter synergizes with each of Urgot’s basic abilities and his passive in different ways.
Zaun-Touched Bolt Augmenter, Urgot’s passive, allows for his basic attacks and his Acid Hunter to reduce the damage dealt by his target by 15% for 2.5 seconds. This passive allows Urgot to duel very effectively and has established him as the counter carry that he is used most frequently as. His Terror Capacitor (W) can be activated to shield him for 5 seconds causing his basic attacks and Acid Hunter to apply a slow for 1.5 seconds. His final basic ability, Noxian Corrosive Charge, is a skill shot that shreds armor and allows for his Acid Hunter to lock onto affected targets, extending the range and removing the skill shot restraints of the projectile.
Finally, his ultimate, Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverser allows for him to suppress and reposition target enemy champion causing nearby enemies to flee and slowing the initial target at the end of the channel. The Ultimate also gives Urgot some much needed damage reduction, further enabling his initiation and carry dueling potential.
While Urgot has seen competitive use rarely and sporadically, he used to be one of the hottest picks. Back in 2012, Urgot was seen in the 2012 MLG Spring Championship as either a ban or a pick in 100 percent of games. DreamHack 2012 also has Urgot picked or banned in 80.9 percent of games. It was consecutive nerfs to Urgot’s base damage, base health, base shield on his Terror Capacitor, and a reduction of cast range on his ultimate that led to the death of the Urgot we once knew and loved. The question now is whether or not Urgot’s rework will bring this hunk of meat back into play.
Urgot, The Dreadnought
The new Urgot will have a smaller attack range, at 350, just 50 range more than Rakan and 50 range less than Mini Gnar at level one. Urgot will also have 5 less movement speed, making the new Dreadnought less of a marksman and more of a slow moving death machine. These changes make Urgot’s rework a completely new champion. So let’s get into his kit.
Urgot’s passive, Shotgun flamethrower knees, also known as Echoing Flames is where the majority of his damage comes from. The passive reads as follows: When Urgot hits an enemy in the direction of one of his legs with a basic attack, that leg will blast flames outward, dealing [40% of total AD] plus [4.5/5.25/6/7/8% at 1/6/9/13/15] of the target’s max health as physical damage to all enemies in a cone. Each consecutive hits within 5 seconds deal 10% reduced damage, down to a minimum of 70%. After firing, that leg goes on cooldown for [30/25/20/15/10 at 1/6/9/11/13, affected by CDR] seconds (minimum 2.5s).
Urgot’s new (Q), Corrosive Charge is his old (E) minus the damage over time and armor shred. Instead, it has a stronger slow and allows for Urgot to lock onto enemies with his new (W), Purge. Purge combined Urgot’s old Acid Hunter (Q) and shield (W) to allow him to lock onto enemies marked by (Q) and fire a barrage of bullets. Urgot’s final basic ability, Disdain (E), is effectively a gap closing Singed flip that also allows for him to lock onto the target.
Urgot’s ultimate ability, Fear Beyond Death, is a solid burst of damage paired with a debilitating 75 percent movement speed slow based upon their missing health for 3 seconds. If the target falls below 25 percent health, Urgot will reel them in for the kill. Upon a successful execution, Urgot channels his Warwick cosplay and fears all nearby enemies for 1.5 seconds.
Maximizing the Dreadnought
With this combo as his bread and butter, the new Urgot will do absurd amounts of damage just with a Black Cleaver and the Fervor mastery. Black Cleaver will be especially strong on the new Urgot as his Shield now scales with bonus Health instead of Mana. While Boots of Swiftness are not the best boots at the moment, they may be a good pickup for Urgot as Purge also slows Urgot by a flat 125 movement speed. Swiftness boots will reduce this by 31.25 which is especially important for the new Urgot as positioning himself to maximize his passive is key.
While Boots of Swiftness are not the best boots at the moment, they may be a good pickup for Urgot as Purge also slows Urgot by a flat 125 movement speed. Swiftness boots will reduce this by 31.25 which is especially important for the new Urgot as positioning himself to maximize his passive is key.
It is worth noting that all of Urgot’s damage dealing abilities scale with total AD and not bonus AD-like many other champions. This allows for him to build Sterak’s Gage for a huge damage power spike. Sterak’s Gage gives Urgot 400 health, which means an additional 120 health on the shield granted by Purge, and a powerful passive that grants 30 percent additional base damage. This is especially strong given Urgot’s relatively high base AD.
Because of Urgot’s passive, Echoing Flames, deals a percentage of target’s maximum health, armor penetration/ lethality is also a vital stat for tank killing in the top lane. A last whisper item against enemies stacking armor, or a Lethality item paired with an early Black Cleaver will make quick work of squishy opponents. Youmuu’s Ghostblade would be a very strong lethality item against squishy laners as the movement speed active will allow Urgot to reposition in order to maximize his passive.
Urgot’s kit has some obvious weaknesses. Having no sustain in his kit and low mobility paired with a ridiculously short auto attack range, Urgot’s weakness will come from being kited and poked down. Optimizing early lane sustain through Refillable/Corrupting Potion may compensate for the early sustain, while later on in the game, a Death’s Dance will allow Urgot to heal up through the insane amount of physical damage he can pump out.
Being easily kited with only one small gap closer means Urgot will either have to flank in team fights or split push to win. Depending on the hard engage of your team composition, grouping with Urgot’s ability to dump damage and annihilate tanks may be best. Just don’t die overcommitting on a dive.
It seems that Urgot is at his best a ranged Fiora without the sustain and true damage of her ultimate. Like Fiora, Urgot will have to dance around his target, utilizing his passive and dueling. Urgot’s success in the top lane will be largely based on matchups. Opponents who are able to both sustain and poke, such as Swain, will be a nightmare for the Dreadnought, but enemies who must go all in will likely be favorable matchups.
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All images courtesy of Surrender at 20
Feature image courtesy of Surrender at 20