As a hyper carry, Master Yi plays surprisingly well in Arena Mode. He synergizes well with the top tier tanks, and fits into the meta. But unlike many picks, Master Yi is very teammate dependent. The champ requires a strong tank to front line, or super burst damage heavy composition to 100 to 0 the enemies.
From building him properly, understanding which augments to take, and knowing which champions he doesn’t play well against, Warwick takes a strong understanding to master in the new League of Legends Arena mode.
[Related: LoL Arena Mode patch notes]
Target bans
- Teemo
- Warwick
- Yorick
These target bans counter Master Yi pretty hard. Yorick’s walls prevent Master Yi from being able to keep close in the distance. The bruiser then sends out his minions to shred through Master Yi’s health — of which he has little.
Teemo is a menace for Yi as well, since his blind essentially makes Master Yi useless.
Team Synergy
Master Yi plays best with a support like champ, in the form of someone like Maokai. In essence, he needs someone to peel for him, as his biggest weakness is his frail body. Alistar is also another great champion to play with Master Yi.
Ex: Maokai, Taric, Alistar
He also works wonders with Taric, but Taric is almost always a perma-ban. Warwick is also a good pick, that is if he’s not banned. But be careful, since Warwick also counters Master Yi, so leaving him open is a bit risky.
Arena Master Yi Item Build
- Best: Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Guardian’s Hammer, Berserker’s Greaves, Blade of the Ruined King
- Good: Kraken Slayer, Death’s Dance, Guardian Angel, Wit’s End
Master Yi plays best with Guinsoo’s Rageblade, which is arguably a broken item in Arena Mode. Granted, it got some nerfs, so it’s not nearly as strong anymore, but it’s still in an absurdly powerful position in the meta.
Attack speed Master Yi is the way
Focus on building attack speed, so Master Yi can burst down the enemy as fast as possible. But be warned, without a front line tank or a support champion like Taric, the Yi pick can easily fall off since he’s incredibly vulnerable to burst damage and crowd control.
Therefore, be careful and time the engages well.
Arena Master Yi Augments
Prismatic Tier
- Best: Can’t Touch This, Symphony of War
- Good: Tap Dancer, Feel the Burn
Can’t Touch This is great on Arena Master Yi because it provides him invulnerability during his ultimate. This thereby fixes one of his biggest weaknesses, getting burst down in an instant. Symphony of War is a good second, since it synergizes perfectly with Master Yi’s kit.
If players can’t get either one of these, try for Tap Dancer or Feel the Burn — really any damage oriented Prismatic Augment.
Gold Tier
- Best: Scoped Lens, Lightning Strikes, Firebrand
- Good: Banner of Command, Shrink Ray, The Brutalizer
Scoped Lens is easily the best Gold Tier augment on Master Yi. It provides extra attack range, which allows Master Yi to attack from a safer distance — almost like a ranged ADC. Then, the next best one is Lighting Strikes since it scales with attack speed. Firebrand is pretty great as well.
Banner of Command is a decent option for when Master Yi needs a stronger teammate. Shrink Ray decreases the damage of his enemies, which can potentially prevent him from being burst down. The Brutalizer is just some solid stats.
Silver Tier
- Best: Deft, Light ’em Up!
- Good: Infernal Soul, Fallen Aegis, Shadow Runner
Deft and Light ’em Up! scale wonderfully with Master Yi’s attack speed, easily making them the priority Silver Augments for Arena Mode Master Yi.
If unable to secure these two, then go for Infernal Soul, Fallen Aegis, or Shadow Runner.
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