The World Series of Warzone is the most prolific and exciting tournament for Warzone. It pins the best streamers and pro players against each other in private lobbies. However, the first season of the WSOW came to a close as the last tournament just happened. Here is a recap of the World Series of Warzone NA Duos and Solo Yolo tournament.
The Teams
The way it works is there are five team captains. For this Duo tournament, the captains consist of Huskerrs, Swagg, Teepee, Scump, and ShawnJGaming. The captains draft from a pool of duos to make up a team of 15 duos on each team.
The scoring system is based on kills more than placement. However, the placement does play an important role. For every kill, you get one point. The placement also matters as well. If you place within 2nd-25th in the match, it multiplies your kills/points by 1.5. If you finish first, it doubles your points. All teams play five matches to decide who wins the grand prize of $50,000.
Along with that, there is the captain’s cup. Where all the teams fight to have the highest combined score of their squad and team. The first-place winner gets $1000 for each player within their team and an additional $20000 for themselves and their duo.
Captains Cup
As far as the Captain’s Cup goes, Swagg and his team took the reins early as his team ended up winning the Captain’s Cup taking home a grand for each player and 20,000 dollars for his team. It was not exactly close early as Almxnd and Tommey helped Swaggs team get a nice and easy win for their team.
The gameplay of all matches was great. Players like Biffle, Aydan, Superevan, and Huskerrs lit up the scoreboard by getting a lot of kills for their duo and squad. However, out of all the five matches, Huskerrs and Newbz got the win as they turned up later on in match two of the five to help get them the win.
Solo Yolo
This match was, by far, the most entertaining and most fun to watch matches of Warzone even on stream. It made for a lot of interesting plays and interesting class setups. It was definitely a sight to see as helicopters and trucks were used to the most extent. Also, many players that are known for being aggressive actually took a backseat and played a lot slower than usual. This was the case as Scump won the solo yolo tournament.
Overall, this Warzone tournament was full of foolishness and funny plays which made for an entertaining Wednesday. The Warzone streamers, professionals, and amateurs alike were playing great. Some players played better than others, however, it looks very promising for the next season for the World Series of Warzone.
Featured Image Courtesy of Call of Duty: Warzone
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