One of the most important aspects of Team Fight Tactics are the items. That is why players need to know which ones they should focus on and which ones they should stay away from. Here are the best and worst items.
Here is our latest champion tier list.
For reference below is a full item and combination list from Pro-Game Guides.
This list will only include combined items.
Tier 1:
- Force of Nature
- Frozen Heart
- Guinsoo’s Rageblade
- Phantom Dancer
- Rapid Firecannon
- Red Buff
- Seraph’s Embrace
- Spear of Shojin
- Warmog’s Armor
Tier 2:
- Bloodthirster
- Dragon’s Claw
- Hextech Gunblade
- Morellonomicon
- Rabadon’s Deathcap
- Static Shiv
- Thornmail
- Zeke’s Herald
Tier 3:
- Cursed Blade
- Infinity Edge
- Locket of Iron Solari
- Luden’s Echo
- Non-Runaan’s Spatula Items
- Redemption
- Runaan’s Hurricane
- Titanic Hydra
- Zepher
Tier 4:
- Guardian Angel
- Hush
- Ionic Spark
- Sword Breaker
- Sword of the Devine
This list will change and be updated with each new patch.
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anu kuno?