Overwatch’s most recent patch notes are now live on both PC and console as of February 12. These changes, which were only on the PTR for one week, are now playable, featuring some unique console-only updates to both Symmetra and Ana. Otherwise, the changes that were introduced on the PTR stayed in-tact, giving a buff to Symmetra and nerfs to several others.
Console-Only Changes
As mentioned, this patch brings a couple of updates for players that are playing Overwatch on Xbox, Play Station and Nintendo Switch consoles. Those changes are to Ana and Symmetra and can be seen below:
Ana: Buff
Biotic Rifle
- Allied projectile size increased from 0.3 to 0.4
Symmetra: Nerf
Sentry Turret
- Turret DPS reduced from 34 to 30
For console players, auto-aiming abilities are stronger due to the more difficult nature of aiming with a joystick, so it’s not too surprising to see Symmetra’s turrets get nerfed and Ana’s more difficult shot get buffed. As developers continue to be more aggressive in patching, look for more of these console-specific changes.
[Related: February 2020 Overwatch Tier List]
General Balance Updates
For players across all platforms, the following changes were made to Wrecking Ball, Widowmaker, Symmetra, and Brigitte. Of these changes, all are nerfs outside of Symmetra’s Photon Projector damage increase.
Also featured in this patch is a UI change to Mei’s Ice Wall, where players can now see cracks appear in each section whenever they get at a certain point of low health.
To be clear, this is not the patch bringing hero pools to Overwatch. That is Patch 1.45 and it is set to go live at the start of March for both Overwatch and the Overwatch League. For more as patch notes continue to roll through the game more frequently, stay tuned here at The Game Haus.
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Featured Image Courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment
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