Electric Organs in Palworld are a material obtained from electric Pals that are most valuable in the latter game. They are a vital component in base buildings and items that require power. Naturally, players will want to stock up on the resource. Here are a few Palworld Electric Organ Farming Methods to set players up for success.
Related: All Of The Mountable Pals In Palworld
Palworld Electric Organ Farming
First, knowing precisely what Pals can provide for electric organs is essential. The following Pals who can drop Electric Organs are:
- Sparkit
- Jolthog
- Dazzi
- Beakon
- Grizzbolt
- Rayhound
- Univolt
Sparkit and Jolthog are two Pals that don’t require much effort to track down. These Pals can be located Northwest of the starting area in the Plateau of Beginnings. If players have unlocked the Breeding Station and Meat Cleaver, it would be best to breed Sparkit and Jolthhog and butcher them to farm Electric Organs. While this farming process is more tedious, it is still a farming technique nonetheless. It’s recommended to focus more on the Sparkits as they drop double the amount of Electric Organs that most Electric-type Pals would drop. (Approximately 2-4 Electric Organs)
Another method to farm the material would be to hunt down Univolts. These pals additionally drop leather, which can be considered valuable to wandering traders. Sell the leather and use the gold to purchase Electric Organs for 200 gold each. Other methods of acquiring gold could be selling excess pals and items or finding abundant amounts in chests scattered in Dungeons and worldwide.
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