The anime battle royal has taken the world by storm, providing an impressive cast of characters for players to live out their hero fantasies. And in recent leaks, My Hero Ultra Rumble Aizawa was revealed one of the upcoming new characters in the free to play battle royal.
Who is Shota Aizawa?
In the lore, Shota Aizawa is the teacher and role model figure for many of the main characters. He guides all of the year one students, and utilizes his quirk to handle various enemies. For those who don’t know Aizawa’s quirk allows him to erase others’ quirks making him an essential asset during fights against villains.
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But if he closes his eyes, his quirk erasing abilities are paused. In addition, he utilizes bandages to immobilize and attack enemies. Expect these abilities in his My Hero Ultra Rumble iteration.
My Hero Ultra Rumble Aizawa Gameplay
Though this wasn’t officially revealed, My Hero Ultra Rumble Aizawa gameplay has been circling the internet. For those who don’t want to get spoiled, and want to wait for the official announcement, avoid the link below.
It appears Aizawa has access to a grapple hook, similar to Midoriya’s ability to grab onto ledges. This means Aizawa will be rather mobile, which is a pretty crucial characteristic in the game. His other abilities appear to be a bind as well as a air jump kick. The bind will likely help tremendously in team fights, and the extra air mobility will help navigate high intensity skirmishes. .
As for his Quirk erasing ability, the footage and leaks simply state he has the ability to do so. But footage could not be made.
My Hero Ultra Rumble Aizawa Analysis
Judging from the gameplay leaks, it seems Aizawa will be pretty great. He has incredible mobility, area of effect, and utility — all the characteristics of a top tier character in My Hero Ultra Rumble. Granted, we don’t have access to his damage numbers. But assuming his damage isn’t completely trash, expect My Hero Ultra Rumble Aizawa to be a top tier pick.
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