After plenty of leaks and rumors, the new Apex Legends character was revealed in a trailer for the new season. In Apex Legends Saviors, it would seem as though Bangalore was going to be leaving the team. Then after an intense “last battle” against a sea monster on Storm Point, things changed. Here is the first look at Apex Legends Newcastle as the newest Legend.
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Check out the trailer below.
The leaks seemed to be very right and this is the first chance that fans have gotten to confirm that. The fact that Bangalore has been front and center with her story however has been interesting. After the Fuse and Mad Maggie connection, it would seem as though Respawn are focusing on tying in certain characters. This also shows how much they are building out the lore.
For a game that many expected to just be a battle royale, Apex Legends continues to flesh out their characters. With Newcastle, also known as Jackson, the brother of Bangalore joining, the ability to really dive into their stories is a prime opportunity for Respawn.
Outside of the lore, Newcastle brings a lot of shielding with him. Something that some fans have felt was needed while others remember the days of Lifeline’s shield and have to wonder why they repurposed this one. There is little doubt that he along with Rampart could be a very interesting combo.
More for Apex Legends Newcastle will be revealed here in the next few days with his full release. There, fans will get the specifics of his abilities. The new Season of Apex will certainly be one that brings some changes that fans will certainly be split on. Hopefully, Newcastle can bring a whole angle and style to the popular battle royale.
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