The XDefiant Factions all have their own unique abilities and all bring something to the table that can drastically change the tide of battle. To better familiarize players with the different groups they can play as, here are all of the XDefiant classes and their accompanying abilities.
Cleaners: The Pyro Technicians (The Division)
Active Abilities:
Firebomb – (Detonate a Molotov cocktail, causing explosive damage and igniting the area.)
Incinerator Drone – (A napalm-delivering drone burns everything in its flight path.)
Passive Trait: Incendiary Rounds – (Incendiary ammo inflicts extra burn damage but decreases weapon range.)
Ultra Ability: The Purifier – (A flamethrower ensures enemies are thoroughly sterilized.)
Echelon: The Super Spies (Splinter Cell)
Active Abilities:
Digital Ghillie Suit – (Renders the agent nearly invisible. Movement and aiming to reduce the effect.)
Intel Suit – (Shares the location of nearby enemies with your team.)
Passive Trait: Low Profile – (Agent does not appear on enemy minimaps.)
Ultra Ability: Sonar Goggles – (Reveal enemies and hunt them down with the classic Third Echelon 5.7 pistol.)
Libertad: The Freedom Fighters (Far Cry 6)
Active Abilities:
BioVida Boost – (Fortifying wave boosts total health and regen for you and nearby allies.)
El Remedio – (Revitalizing gas canister that heals friendlies until destroyed or canceled.)
Passive Trait: Espiritu de Libertad – (The contagious spirit of freedom slowly heals you and nearby allies.)
Ultra Ability: Medico Supremo – (Provides a large health and healing boost for a limited time.)
Phantoms: The Future Soldiers (Ghost Recon Phantoms)
Active Abilities:
Blitz Shield – (Equip a tactical shield. Press the Melee button for a shield bash)
Mag Barrier – (An electromagnetic barrier blocks incoming enemy fire and grenades.)
Passive Trait: Hardened – (Health increased as a result of tailored gene therapies.)
Ultra Ability: Aegis – (A spherical plasma shield combined with an electro-scattergun for close-quarters combat.)
Dedsec: The Cyber Attackers (Watch Dogs 2)
Active Abilities:
Hijack – (Hack enemy-deployed abilities and make them your own.)
Spiderbot – (Deploy a Spiderbot that will target and stun the nearest foe via face hug.)
Passive Trait: Fabricator – (After a device is deployed, the Fabricator prints a new one.)
Ultra Ability: Lockout – (Disable the enemies’ HUD, minimap, and abilities in the affected area.)
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