The League of Legends LEC 2021 Spring Split has ended with MAD Lions as the champions and the team that will be going to MSI in Iceland. Now for many fans, it is time to start looking ahead. It is time, to start thinking about the 2021 LEC Summer Split and its start date. Here is the latest on when the split will actually start.
[Related: What is the 2021 LCS Summer Split Start Date?]
This year the LEC has decided to keep its format from last year. It is not surprising to see that this was the decision that they came to as it seems like their format worked well for most fans. What is interesting is what the LCS is doing with their Summer Split and the fact that they are playing three games a week instead of two. They will also be playing nine weeks this Split instead of six so they will play a total of 27 games during the summer.
LEC fans may remember the days of best of twos and threes. While this is not exactly the same, the LCS is upping their games by at least 13 this year with the possibility of a lot more. Fans will need to keep an eye out to see if the LCS’ new format does well. If it does and it is clear that people want more games then the LEC would be smart to oblige.
Either way, the 2021 LEC Summer Split start date is going to be June 11. This will come about two weeks after MSI finishes up and a week after the LCS starts. It shouldn’t come as a surprise for LEC fans as generally, the LEC has started about a week after the LCS in the past.
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