Don’t look now, but it looks like more information on future champions could be on the horizon. Late in the afternoon on Friday April 14, a video from YouTube creator Big Bad Bear came out discussing potential new champions, as well as a potential official roadmap coming in coming weeks. The video dives into some information that has been revealed already paired with some potential leaks to build out a new list of champions that could be released later this year.
The important information to note is that the official champion roadmap could arrive in as early as 2-3 weeks from today. This roadmap would most likely highlight the new champions that are in the works. These roadmaps also discuss the reception and adjustments made to the most recent champs, and this potential upcoming video could take a look and Milio, the most recent support champion.
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With this potential leak of a roadmap date, this signals to players that these champions are a lot closer that previously thought. Even more exciting is the prospect that there will be multiple new champions coming in the next few months. In one of the most diverse metas in quite some time, the new influx of champions could lead to a shift in power across the Rift.
That said, this is all speculation and guesses based on leaked information. The champion roadmap could be closer or further down the line, only time will tell just how soon players will get a glimpse at some new champion information.
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