The Hearthstone Grandmasters 2019 Week 5 meta comes after a week off for the Las Vegas Masters event. Some of the Grandmasters went and some opted out. However, all of the Grandmasters took into account the meta that was formed there before going into play this week.
Rogue and Warrior Undying
Rogue and Warrior are the two classes that still sit atop the meta. They have gone through some various changes, but manage to stay consistent. Rogue is actually the most favored class despite Bomb Warrior being the most represented deck in Vegas.
Most of the Rogues are favoring a Tempo Vendetta Rogue that has two Spirit of the Sharks. This deck is pretty effective against pretty much anything, but struggles against Bomb Warrior. That’s why this pick is interesting given that it is likely much of the field will be Bomb Warrior.
The second most popular Rogue list is Pogo Rogue. This deck saw basically no play in Vegas, probably because players thought it wasn’t refined or good enough against the field. However, this deck is a much better performer against the warriors since they have a hard time removing a giant Pogo-Hopper without Executes.
Bomb Warrior is the second most popular deck in Grandmasters this week. However, it is really only the Europe region that is relying on the class. The other two opted for Rogue even though Bomb Warrior and Mage were the big winners in Vegas.
An interesting twist on the Bomb Warrior deck has shown itself this week. Warrior players are trying to maximize on Tempo and utilize Azalina Soulthief. Players have cut the Shield Blocks, Shield Slams and Omega Assemblies for early game minions. Notably they are running double Armorsmith and double Cruel Taskmaster. These cards have a nice synergy for face damage as well as stave off other aggressive decks.
Mage and Hunter Sitting in Tier 2
Freeze Mage was the deck that won it all in Vegas but players did not opt to take the deck into Grandmasters this week. Many still prefer the Cyclone Mage which had four players make Top 8 with it in Vegas. The deck is definitely weaker against Warriors, but players made the right read with Rogue being the most represented.
A lot of the players main Mage decks are still teched for the Warrior match up though. Most players are running Archmage Antonidas in the main deck and some also have Luna’s Pocket Galaxy. Either way, most are running double Frost Nova which can deal with the more minion oriented Rogues.
Most of the Hunters this week are Midrange Hunter, but we do see some Bomb Hunters sliding in there. Bomb Hunter is the most aggressive deck in the meta right now and is favored against every one of the most popular decks in Grandmasters this week.
Midrange Hunter finds itself in an odd spot. It is favored against Warriors typically, but can easily get out tempo’d by Bomb Warrior if it doesn’t draw well. It is favored against Mage if it can tempo out well, but Mage was not the popular pick this week, meaning Midrange players have an uphill battle to fight.
Odd Decks Out
There are a handful of OTK Paladins this week. It tends to struggle against Bomb Warrior, but there are more Rogues this week. It has a slight edge versus Rogue due to the fact that Rogues can’t be nearly aggressive as they were in the past. Bomb Warriors kind of have two paths to victory though. They can play the armor up game plan and the hard tempo game plan.
There are a couple of Token Druids this week in Grandmasters. The deck is a slight favorite versus all of the meta decks right now. It still relies heavily on getting a good draw however. We see two types of Token Druid this week. One is the classic Whispering Woods list, while the other cuts Whispering Woods and is a Mech Token Druid.
We surprisingly see one Shaman player this week. He brings a Control Shaman to the field. The deck is interestingly situated and should definitely beat Rogues. It’s game against Bomb Warrior is kind of peculiar in the main list, as the Warrior can go for an OTK turn by shuffling all the bombs in fatigue.
Overall, Grandmasters has not really been impacted by the Vegas meta. We shall see over the weekend if some of the underplayed decks emerge as new successes.
Images courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment via their official website.
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