Originally stated to come out in 2022, the Breath of the Wild Sequel received some delays. This leaves some fans wondering, what is the Breath of the Wild Sequel Release Date? Well, Breath of the Wild 2 release date delayed until an ambiguous date in Spring 2023. Many fans speculated for a 2022 release, excited over the sequel to the master piece. But to their dismay, the game will not debut in 2022. There’s so much anticipation, yet Nintendo delayed the launch.
They delayed, so clearly Nintendo needs more time developing the game. Therefore, it’s unlikely that the Breath of the Wild Sequel Release Date will fall in March. What’s more probable is that Nintendo will take their time, and announce the release date sometime in May 2023 or June 2023.
There’s been no concrete as to why the Sequel to The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild received a launch timing update. Obviously, this announcement comes with tons of disappointment among the community of Switch gamers. But keep in mind, Legend of Zelda games carry with them a standard of quality assurance. And Breath of the Wild quite literally has the highest level of quality expectations attached to its sequel.
Chances are, the developers simply need more time to further polish the game. The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild 2 has huge expectations to live up to. And with sky exploration promised in multiple trailers, there’s surely tons that the developers want to get just right.
In conclusion
A launch date delay is undoubtedly disappointing. But as fans of the first master piece, try to practice some patience. Nintendo isn’t delaying because of laziness. Instead, they’re likely setting higher expectations for themselves, attempting to create a game that will blow the entire world away. With the Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild Sequel Release Date now set to Spring 2023, players have a solid year of waiting before the game launches.
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