In the latest trailer for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, two brand new forms for Donphan were revealed. It looks like they will be version-exclusive Pokemon for Scarlet and Violet. One looking much more like it is from the past and the other from the future. This seems to line up with the box legendaries, Koraidon and Miraidon. Here is the latest on the new Pokemon Donphan Forms, Great Tusk and Iron Treads.
[Related: Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Leaks of the Game (So Far)]
There had been a lot of rumors of Donphan getting new forms or evolutions. The newest trailer seemingly was made mostly to show off Ed Sheeran’s new song for Pokemon. That being said during the middle there were quick clips shown of the new Donphan Forms in Great Tusk and Iron Treads.
One is clearly going to be related to the past and likely will be for Pokemon Scarlet. This will be Great Tusk. It has a lot more fur and looks like a bit of a wooly mammoth and even a bit more untamed. There is a chance the Pokemon Company does the thing they do where certain Pokemon that look like they should be in one game are in the other instead as a bit of a crossover. That seems unlikely at this time though.
As for the second form, Iron Treads will likely be in Pokemon Violet. That is because, so far at least, this seems to be the future one. It is really interesting as Donphan essentially looks like a robot in this one. Fans who enjoy that type of aesthetic will be pretty pleased to see this.
It is worth noting that these Pokemon will have names that almost feel like nicknames trainers would give them. This happened with Type: Null in Pokemon Sun and Moon as well.
There had been rumors that these types of Pokemon would be called Paradox Forms. They would relate to the story of the game in some way. This has yet to be confirmed by the Pokemon Company but once it is or is at least revealed to be something else, The Game Haus will have it covered.
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