The unique spin of the Dragon Ball franchise has received a new trailer. Within that trailer, the Dragon Ball The Breakers release date was given out.
The Trailer
The Dragon Ball Breakers trailer showcases Frieza using Zarbon and Dodoria to hunt down players in an open-world Planet Namek. The game was revealed to release on Oct. 14.
Dragon Ball: The Breakers is a survival multiplayer where a team of seven survivors tries to escape and outrun a raider. The raiders are iconic DragonBall Z villains while survivors are regular civilians. The raiders currently consist of Lord Frieza, Cell, and Kid Buu. The survivors are trapped in a Temporal Seam and must use their survival skills and gadgets to return home using a time machine. The game can be comparable to game titles such as Dead By Daylight or Friday The 13th The Game.
Whether players are assigned as a raider or survivors, they can choose their own progression path. Players can also unlock a variety of perks, character skins, and much more. Players will need to customize their loadout to effectively be a survivor or raider.
The raiders have access to overwhelming powers at their disposal to hunt and destroy all of the survivors. Since the survivors are regular citizens they have to rely on vehicles, weapons, and different utility items as they struggle to fight for their lives.
Dragon Ball: The Breakers will launch on October 14 for PC, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One. The game will be backward compatible with PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S.
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