The Sorcerers in Baldurs Gate 3 possess an innate connection to magic, usually through their bloodline, ancestry, or some other mystical source. To maximize this class and its magic to the best of its ability here is the best Baldurs Gate 3 Sorcerer build.
Related: [All Baldur’s Gate 3 Romance Options]
Baldurs Gate 3 Sorcerer Perks
Hit Points
- Hit Points at 1st level: 6 + Constitution Modifier
- Hit Points at Higher Levels: 4 + Constitution Modifier
- Weapons: Daggers, Quarterstaffs, Light Crossbows
- Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma
- Skills: Choose 2 skills from – Arcana, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Persuasion, Religion
- Sorcerer Robe, Simple Boots
- Quarterstaff
- Health Potion x2
- Scroll of Revivify
- Cantrips: Choose 4
- Known Spells: 1 + Charisma modifier
- Spell Slots: 2 Level 1 Slots
Unique Class Features
- Sorcery Points
Sorcerer Pros
- Metamagic Spell Manipulation
- Sorcery Points Resources
- Massive Area Damage
Sorcerer Cons
- Limited Spell Selection
- Sorcery Points Resources
- Fragile
Baldurs Gate 3 Sorcerer Abilities
- Strength – 8
- Dexterity – 16 (Very Important)
- Constitution – 16
- Intelligence – 8
- Wisdom – 10
- Charisma – 17 (Very Important)
Dragonborn (Recommended)
- Breath Weapon
- Draconic Ancestry
- Synergy With Subclass
Asmodeus Tiefling
- Hellish Resistance
- Synergy With Subclass
- Darkvision (12m)
Draconic Bloodline Subclass: “Descendants from dragons, gain breath weapon, resistance to damage, and the ability to add their Charisma modifier to their AC.“
Noble Background: “You were raised in a family among the social elite, accustomed to power and privilege. Accumulating renown, power, and loyalty will raise your status.“
Best Skill Sets:
Persuasion: Influence someone or a group.
Intimidation: Influence a situation by force.
Deception: Evading the truth.
Best Gear:
- The Staff of Crones Quarterstaff: “Provides the Ray of Sickness spell. Found at Sunlit Wetlands, in the Hag treasure room.“
- Poisoner’s Robe Armour: “When the wearer casts a spell that deals Poison damage, it deals an additional 1d4 Poison Damage.”
- The Amulet of Lost Voices: “Grants level 3 necromancy spell speak with dead.“
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