Fortnite offers a lot of different locations to drop, and every one of them plays out in a different way. Through the seasons Epic games molded the island into its current state. Many new locations appear, and others blow up or just fade away into obscurity.
This particular layout gives players many options of where to go during a game. From dropping to rotating, there are a lot of important elements when playing into these different locations. So let’s go on a trip to becoming better overall players.
Where to drop?
This is the first question every Fortnite player asks themselves when they hop into the battle bus. With that in mind, there are many great locations to drop into depending on the player’s objective.
If the player wants a high kill game then a location like Tilted Towers, Paradise Palms, or right now the floating island may be suitable for you. The first few locations around the bus path most of the time are crowded with players. There a lot of enemies who try to take everyone down, but with enough skill anyone can come out of the area alive and shooting.
When playing to win locations far away from the bus path or on the outskirts of the map work like a charm. It allows players to carry a slow pace and push into the circle with sufficient mats and loot.
A very good way to improve at the game is learning the different loot spots in the different locations around the map.
Having the knowledge of where to loot gives the player a sizable advantage during the early moments of the game. Floor loot and chests are random, but with enough knowledge the player can mend for that.
Landing in a lootless spot almost guarantees being eliminated. Go out, explore and learn where it’s most common for gear to spawn.
For all the rookie players out there, one of the best places to drop at is “Westworld”. South of Paradise Palms a small town provides a great amount of loot for the players deciding to land there. It’s one of the best landing spots of Season 6 because of all the options it still provides. An ATK can spawn on the road next to “Westworld”, and rifts are still abundant.
During every match, players move from location to location in search of enemies and better loot. The strategic path they take to make their way to their destination is called a rotation.
Rotations dictate the pace of the game. If a player picks a poor rotation, the consequences can do them in. Great players already have their set of rotations memorized, and know where players constantly rotate. This allows for them to engage in smart and efficient fights.
When first dropping into the map, take notes of the bus path to get a clear idea of where the enemies are going to be rotating from. The bus path has a clear effect on player locations. When the circle appears players can seek enemies on the outskirts of it, or push further in to get a better position. It all depends if one is going for thrill, or glory.
In Conclusion
These past three elements are keys to pacing a game of Fortnite. They are definitively not tips to earn quick battle royales, but they can help the player elevate their game. Be conscious of these keys, and things will change. Small advances can help the player level up.
To learn and get better, watching professionals on Twitch is recommended. They serve as excellent examples of what greatness looks like.
Thanks for reading, and feel free to comment down bellow!
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