T1 took down JDG in the Worlds 2022 Semifinals, winning 3-1 in the series. While many viewed Zeus versus 369 as the featured matchup, mid-jungle flexibility and bottom lane dominance ended up earning T1 the victory. Faker’s Ryze priority seemed to catch the LPL first seed by surprise, while Lucian-Nami felt more impactful out of Gumayusi-Keria than Aphelios-Lulu for Hope-Missing (both teams drafted these duos in the first three matches). In JDG’s press conference, Coach Homme and 369 spoke about their shortcomings in the series.
Coach Homme’s Performance
Following the loss, JDG’s coach Homme fielded several questions from the media. When asked about his message to the players following the loss, Homme said “I want to tell them you guys are doing great. You guys made it up here, which is a great accomplishment. If I did better you guys could have won. I’m really sorry for my players.” JDG’s coach took responsibility for losing and felt he came up short, encouraging the players to
When responding to a question about bottom lane focus in the series, Homme stated “We had a lot of Aphelios-Lucian matchups that lost, which means the opponent was right about the analysis. I wish I was able to do better…I should have transitioned our draft a little bit faster.” Again, JDG’s coach cited his own inadequacy, specifically as it related to draft.
369’s Performance
One question requested 369 to rate his own performance in the series. He replied “Looking at today’s best-of-five, I definitely played a little it tilted. That is definitely a bummer for me.” This confirms what many spectators were thinking in Game 4. T1 gained a 7800 gold lead by 20 minutes and ended in under 25 minutes.
When asked about his motivation to reach World Finals and his disappointment with falling for the second time in Semifinals, 369 answered “It’s definitely regretful for falling in Semis and not making Finals at Worlds, because as a pro player it is definitely our biggest goal to win the whole thing at Worlds. I definitely want to be better in 2023 and win the World Championship.” In the loss, 369 wants to come back next year and push himself further.
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They were so tilted. They started playing aram and went all in every time they saw a skt player in g4 after a certain point.