On July 31, Patch 9.15 was released on TFT. This patch gave Void units the ability to deal true damage when three or more of them are on the board at a single time. This also came with several other changes to Void, which can be seen below. Here are the exact changes sourced from the official announcement.
What is True Damage?
True Damage, essentially, allows for champions to ignore all armor or other resistances and deal pure damage based on their attack damage. This should help to counter some of the Knight and Brawler buffs that are coming through on this patch. As this streamer also shows, it makes critical hits that much more powerful.
Power Abounding
Not only does this update give Void’s true damage, but several of the Void champions also reveived significant buffs as well. In just about every category, Rek’Sai, Khazix, Kassadin and Cho’Gath are all getting stronger. This, on top of the fact that there is an exciting new Void champion coming to TFT in Patch 9.19.
[Related: Kai’Sa Confirmed to be Next TFT Champ, Coming in Patch 9.19]
From the looks of it, developers want Void to continue to be among the top tier options for teams, both in the early and late game.
For more on the complete changes that have arrived in the current patch, the full announcement of the 9.18 patch notes can be found by clicking on this link to the official announcement. In the meantime, be sure to check out the latest Origin, Class, Champion and Item tier lists from The Game Haus and stay tuned for more upcoming news on the latest patches and tournaments.
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