Home » Wild Rift: Seraphine Support Build Guide

Wild Rift: Seraphine Support Build Guide

Publish Date: December 4, 2020

As one of the strongest supports in Wild Rift, Seraphine has many different build paths. Seraphine deals AP damage, therefore much of her builds center around ability power. But according to what the player wants to accomplish on Seraphine, different items work best. Here is a look at different builds for Seraphine.

[Related: Wild Rift Tier List]

Full AP Build

Even as a support, Seraphine performs excellently with a full Ability Power build. Her base damage and kit result in an overwhelming lane bully that many bot laners simply do not have the utility to outmatch.

The core of AP Seraphine is Ludens Echo. Ludens Echo works quite well with Seraphine’s skills, as her kit relies heavily on area of effect damage. Ludens, as an item, provides great early game damage and is an excellent first item for many AP champions.

Awakened Soul Stealer provides 20% CDR and a unique cooldown on her ultimate.

For boots, Ionia Boots of Lucidity are almost always recommended. With these three items, Seraphine has 40% CDR, therefore the rest of the items simply add more utility through pure damage.

But be warned. AP Seraphine falls off when behind. Without steady income to out-damage her opponents, she becomes a squishy target for enemies to kill very easily.

Her push potential is great, part of the reason why she is such a great pick, making for lane pressure to be more easily acquired. The splash damage built into Seraphine’s kit alongside the splash from Luden’s Echo, if not careful, will steal the ADC’s minions, resulting in a tilted teammate when in lane. Once out of lane this becomes much less of an issue.

Abilities upgrade priority:

1st ability

3rd ability

2nd ability



Upgrade Ultimate whenever possible.

By Level:

1 > 3 > 2 > 1 > 4 > 1 > 1 > 3 > 4 > 3 > 3 > 2 > 4 > 2 > 2

Tear Stack

This build works best when laning against low threat enemy supports. In essence, supports that require time to scale as well. Avoid this build against champions like Blitzcrank.

Tear rush fixes all of Seraphine’s mana problems, allowing her to spam abilities with no regrets. The 20% CDR on Seraph’s Embrace (Tear’s upgraded AP item) alongside Awakened Soul Stealer provides 40% CDR off the first two items.

Tear Stack Seraphine, unlike full AP Seraphine, is much more of a team player. Rather than utility through pure damage, Tear Stack Seraphine provides frequent heals and crowd control to aid in team fights.

The biggest issue with this build is the overstacked CDR, as 40% is the maximum. This build has 60% CDR total, well over the max. But each item provides great utility for Seraphine and her team.

Abilities upgrade priority:

3rd ability

2nd ability

1st ability


Upgrade Ultimate whenever possible.

By Level:

3 > 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 3 > 3 > 2 > 4 > 2 > 2 > 1 > 4 > 1 > 1

Healing Support

This build is for those looking to heal as much as possible. With the help of Redemption, it relies on fast cooldowns to heal the allied team as much as possible.

Of course, this build can be adjusted as necessary. Instead of Ardent, maybe Athene’s would suit better depending on the situation.

The hidden best item in this build is Protector’s Vow. Protector’s Vow grants a shield and speed buff upon being hit by an enemy. As Seraphine’s biggest weakness is being one-shot, this item buffs Seraphine’s sturdiness alongside an ally’s.

Rabadon’s Deathcap helps bring more heals. During the later stages of the game, Seraphine’s damage on this build will be lacking. Void staff fixes this issue, giving this Seraphine massive heals and some late-game damage.

Abilities upgrade priority:

3rd ability

2nd ability

1st ability


Upgrade Ultimate whenever possible.

By Level:

3 > 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 3 > 3 > 2 > 4 > 2 > 2 > 1 > 4 > 1 > 1

Runes and Summoner Spells

For keystone Ruins, Summoner Aery is the best. This gives her bonus damage and barriers and really has no other contested rune for her as support.

The rest of the runes depend more from player to player. These runes showed work to build sustain and team utility.








Support Seraphine should take flash every time. For the second summoner spell, Barrier or Heal works best. Ignite is only for those looking to be zealous damage dealers, but the survivability with Barrier and Heal often outweighs the damage from Ignite.

Noteworthy Items

Courtesy of League of Legends Wiki

This item is hidden OP on Seraphine. It is cheap, provides lots of AP, and gives cooldown. But the cooldown is not just base cooldown, as it includes a unique effect that gives up to 15% extra cooldown on the ultimate.

Each unique takedown provides a 3% cooldown. But as a support, Seraphine should not be getting kills. According to Riot’s definition of a takedown, a takedown includes kills OR assists. Healing an ally will count as an assist, and therefore a takedown.

But as Awakened Soul Stealer does not provide any other active, the item is built best as a second core item rather than rushed, especially if no kills or favorable fights are occurring in the duo lane.

Courtesy of League of Legends Wiki

Locket is a solid upgrade for boots, which provides a small barrier for Seraphine and nearby allies. Similar to Protector’s Vow, locket aids in preventing being burst. Of course, Zhonyas is a viable option for a boot upgrade as well. But unlike Zhonyas, Locket aids teammates as well.

Courtesy of League of Legends Wiki

For boots, typically Ionia Boots of Lucidity will be the best option. These boots provide a quick cheap 10% cooldown reduction, which is extremely beneficial to Seraphine’s kit.

But for builds that pass the cap for 40% CDR, such as the healing build, any defensive boots will do. In essence, Ninja Tabis or Mercury’s Treads for fighting against attack damage or ability power damage respecitively.

Courtesy of League of Legends Wiki

Protector’s Vow, as previously mentioned before, increases Seraphine’s survivability a great amount. The game has a lot of burst damage, most of which can one shot Seraphine. This item gives armor, health, and a passive that helps prevent that.

Her biggest weakness is greatly strengthened with this item, and the shield the item provides scales off of AP as well. This makes the item surprisingly effective to protect allies.

Courtesy of League of Legends Wiki

As previously mentioned, Luden’s Echo works wonders on Seraphine. The splash damage built into her kit and the clumped nature of the Wild Rift make for an abusable area of effect. Few support champions, if any, can out damage Seraphine with Luden’s Echo in the early stages of the game.


Courtesy of League of Legends Wiki

For those looking to heal allies, this item is the one. The mirrored item of Luden’s echo, Harmonic Echo buffs heals themselves. This item is better to build than Ardent Censor on Seraphine because the cooldown on her Heal is quite long.

Rather than relying on buffing allies attack speed for a short while, simply increasing the amount healed gives more utility, especially as Seraphine’s heal buffed by her passive heals a substantial amount.


In Conclusion

There are many ways to build a champion. These are the recommended build paths for Seraphine, but not the only build paths out there. Be sure to adapt to the situation, changing according to what the team needs and what the enemy team has.

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