With every season of Ranked in Wild Rift, new Glorious skins release. For this particular season, Director Alan Moore revealed Wild Rift Glorious Crimson Evelynn. These Glorious Skins are typically the reward for reaching gold and higher in the ranked climb. In addition, they are unique skins that do not exist in their parent game, League PC. Glorious Crimson Evelynn should be no different. But what is new for this upcoming season of Wild Rift Ranked are Weapon Augments.
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Click the link below for the full Wild Rift Patch 3.1 Preview, where Glorious Crimson Evelynn was announced.
The first picture is the original color, while the picture on the right is when utilizing the weapon augment.
This new feature changes the color of the particular Glorious Skin’s weapon. Director Alan Moore stated that weapon augments debut starting with Evelynn. Therefore, it’s unlikely that this function will backtrack into the previous glorious skins.
How do players acquire these Weapon Augments?
Well, they simply have to purchase them with the currency in the ranked store. In other words, just play a bunch of ranked games. This will inevitably allow for more than enough currency to purchase the Weapon Augment, allowing players another limited time cosmetic to flaunt on the rift.
It’s honestly really cool. Wild rift is slowly, but surely, heading into a direction that compliments League PC, while still differing drastically. For Weapon Augments, they’re essentially chromas but done in a different way.
For those who haven’t seen the original source video, make sure to check it out. Especially for avid Wild Rift players and fans. The game is headed in a great direction, and the developers are putting their all into polishing the Mobile MOBA. From a new dragon system, more champion additions, and even little tweaks to the match making system, Wild Rift is becoming more and more polished. It’s definitely taking longer than most players would like, but improvement always takes time.
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