Understanding the meta serves essential to improving in Wild Rift. Since the game updates every couple of weeks, keeping up with the gameplay changes alongside general gameplay climate becomes rather difficult. In each respective meta, there seem to be some Wild Rift OP picks that stand above the rest. So to help players identify some of the strongest champions in the game, here are some of the greatest picks in the game as of patch 3.2B.
Keep in mind, these picks are catered for professional play, and therefore might be a little different from what players experience in ranked.
Check out the video version, linked below.
The strongest, most powerful undisputed pick for the Baron lane in competitive play is Riven. Riven’s early game dominance starts the game with a bang, bullying lane opponents and snowballing from the get go. At level 1, no champion in the game can keep up with her. And once Riven takes control of the laning phase, she easily bleeds her lead into team fights. Her skill expression is incredibly high, with multiple dashes and CC in her kit to help navigate the most versatile of situations.
It also helps that she synergizes with Hull Breaker, an item that single handedly shifted the competitive meta. With Hull Breaker, Divine Sunderer, and black cleaver, the champion’s defensive stats and offensive capabilities are unmatched.
Here are some other picks commonly seen in the baron lane: Graves, Shen, Darius, Renekton.
These all excel at split pushing, especially Shen, with his game breaking teleporting ultimate. Don’t sleep on the Shen pick.
A common theme the reader may notice here is that a lot of AD bruisers are being played. The breakdown for the mid lane will draw more analysis on this.
The mid lane is conventionally where AP mages and carries are played. But in competitive play, even in the mid lane, bruisers are dominating the meta. This is largely in part to one very broken item in the competitive environment: Hull Breaker.
In solo queue, the item doesn’t see that much use. A lot of players typically opt for trinity force or other offensive itemizations that provide more utility team fights. But competitive play is a completely different story.
Hull Breaker allows bruisers to create constant split push pressure. Champions that take the item have enough push priority to beat out mages, who will find themselves easily overrun by the tankier match ups. But mages have great wave clear as well, so why are they pushed out of relevance in competitive play? Well, the key is in the objective spawns.
Once Rift Herald or dragon spawn, mid laners typically rotate to a side lanes. And mages can’t realistically solo side lanes, as they’re incredibly vulnerable to dive comps. That’s why, even in the mid lane, you’ll see a champion like Riven seeing play.
If it’s not Riven, then Jayce. The hammer wielder is an incredible power pick with amazing skill expression. In other words, those who know how to use him make great use of him, bursting down waves and enemies alike. All it takes is a little snowball from the early game. Similar to Riven, Jayce’s early game utility allows him to absolutely bully his lane opponents starting from level 1. If the player knows how to maximize his advantage thereafter, Jayce becomes an uncontrollable nuisance. The poke damage a well positioned Jayce user places before a big objective fight easily makes or breaks the game.
Anyway, all mid laners need to be able to hold their own when it comes to soloing side lanes. It’s arguably the most essential trait when it comes to competitive OP mid lane picks.
Other picks seen frequently in the mid lane are Irelia, or even Singed and Morgana.
This is where things get really spicy. Previously, mages like Ziggs and Morgana saw a lot of play. And they still do, since the rest of the team comp typically already has a lot of heavy AD. Therefore, objective controlling AP carries like Ziggs and Morgana help clear waves even more, and add extra pressure to the map from a safe distance.
Morgana discussion will be continued later, since that’s a really important pick to discuss when covering competitive play.
The purple archer sees a lot of play in competitive, since the champion plays very safely from a distance, similar to Ziggs. But ever since the latest patch, with the inclusion of Lethal Tempo specifically, ADCs such as Vayne, Kai’Sa, and Ashe have begun seeing more play as well.
The most notable duo lane pick for this video is actually Lucian, who has become an insane power pick. Typically taking Conqueror, the champion’s burst damage potential and mobility allow the marksmen to perform phenomenally when wielded by a skilled player. His kit synergizes wonderfully with the revamped stormrazer. And with all the buffs he received, Lucian is in an incredible place in the meta. The champion’s burst damage alongside consistent stream of DPS make him a force to be reckoned with, both in solo queue and competitive play.
For those who don’t understand, in the current meta, conventional hyper ranged AD carries finally have a chance to shine in the limelight.
In general, mages in the duo lane were just the better option in competitive play during the previous patches. Since mages don’t necessarily show off the same ground breaking mechanical prowess as auto attack reliant marksmen, it’s a very healthy meta change to make games more entertaining at Icons.
Other viable comps are senna + bruiser engagers, such as Gragas/Sett.
This slot will be used to talk about Morgana. That champion can be played in mid, adc, AND jungle, and is one of the most broken picks for competitive play. To begin with, Morgana’s clears as a jungler are insanely broken. Literally no other champion in the game comes even close to Morgana’s jungle clears. Of course, this assumes the player understands how to clear effectively. Check this link here for a detailed example.
Outside of jungle clear speed, a lot of different synergies exist that can be run with Morgana.
When using her as an AD with Leona, Morgana’s second ability easily procs Leona’s passive.
In layman’s term, Leona’s passive allows any damaging attack to deal extra damage after Leona applies her own spell on the target. And since Morgana’s pool deals a stream of damage, it easily procs multiple stacks of Leona’s passive, making for some insane damage, especially since Morgana’s pool deals damage on missing HP.
Now when comboing with other champions, Morgana creates a ton of other opportunities to quite frankly break the game. And the fact that she’s viable in jungle, mid, AND adc makes her an incredibly versatile pick.
Other picks that see play are assassins or bruisers, such as Irelia, Jax, Olaf, Khazix, and Lee Sin. These shouldn’t come as much of a surprise, since they’re just really strong junglers in general.
A lot of supports that are good for solo queue are also good for competitive play. There’s nothing too out of the ordinary here.
In other words, champions like Rakan, Yuumi, and Karma are fantastic in competitive play. These picks simply vary to cater to the rest of the team composition, providing whatever extra utility the team needs to succeed. For example, Karma provides speed boosts and shielding, while creating extra hindrances on enemies so her allies can run in fast. This makes her a wonderful pick when her team already has front line capabilities who love to jump right on in.
Meanwhile, champions like Rakan and Leona may work better for teams who want extra front line engage.
Hopefully this list of Wild Rift OP Picks helped players understand the competitive meta a bit more! Keep in mind, there are sure to be tons more picks that do show up, displaying brand new play styles that were not even mentioned in this video. So make sure to watch Wild Rift Icons, and see for what the competitive meta ends up being defined as!
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