Home » Wild Rift Mid Lane Guide Part 3
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Wild Rift Mid Lane Guide Part 3: Advanced Tips and Tricks

Publish Date: December 25, 2021

This Wild Rift mid guide covers in depth the fundamental necessities to improving in the mid lane. Because it’ll be covering a massive amount of information, the Wild Rift mid guide will be broken up into parts to help facilitate the learning process.

This Wild Rift Mid lane advanced guide is catered more towards players who already have a strong understanding of the concepts mentioned in part 1 and part 2 of this series of mid lane guides. Therefore, for those who are confused or overwhelmed by the ideas presented in this specific guide, be sure to back track and check those out first.

Here are the previous entries:

Part 1: Mid Lane Overview

Part 2: Mid Lane Intermediate Concepts

The information was provided by Kerxx and Vindey of RiftGuides. Special thanks for their help.

Be sure to check out their channel by clicking the link below for a video version of the guide.

Video: The ULTIMATE Midlane Guide | Season 4 | RiftGuides | WildRift

The ULTIMATE Midlane Guide | Season 4 | RiftGuides | WildRift

[Related: Wild Rift Patch 2.6a Tier List]



Moving over to the advanced concepts. These REALLY make the difference when aiming for the TOP of the ladder. First up cheating with vision, but what does that mean? 

Placing a ward is not JUST about putting it down. It’s about using it the best way possible. think of the early game and enemy junglers such as Lee Sin. It would be borderline suicidal to walk into his jungle to place an early ward. Therefore you have to adjust your very first wards according to the champions the player is facing. Ideally, mid lane players want to protect their jungle’s entrance as well as the direct way to their lane.
After getting that one down, they need to play around it. 

For instance, a mid lane player places a ward on the very edge of the wall close to the river entrance. This ward is going to tell them if anyone is approaching from the river AND the enemy jungle. For those that want to make this ward even stronger, all they have to do is hover towards their established vision.
The more distance they put between them and the fog of war the better off the situation.

This is because they’ll have more time to respond to any approaching enemy and just walk it off without having to invest any resources. 

Desired Champion Mode

The next thing you have to be aware of is player’s champion’s desired mode.
Do they want to crash a wave and rotate or do they want to keep the wave as close as possible to your tower and force the enemy to overextend?

Take Zed as an example here – he’s not the strongest in the super early game, especially level 1 to level 2. Therefore it would be way too risky and pointless to try and shove the very first 2 waves into the enemy tower. If the enemy jungler is aware of Zed’s lackluster wave management he’ll be able to punish easily. That’s why Lee Sin jungle is so annoyingly broken in soloq.

The champion isn’t inherently broken or anything – he’s just very good at abusing certain things. One of those things is abusing clueless enemies that don’t know about the consequences of their actions and the other one would be applying pressure in the form of ganks and early invades. Keep in mind: if players don’t die to a Lee sin, they’re already one step closer to victory. This champion has to get something done early. And if he fails to do so, he falls off a cliff. 

Wave Management

Next up is something even more important about minions. It’s the wave management on sidelane. Remember the part about T1 protectors and roamers, mentioned in the mid lane overview? If not, click here to catch up.

T1 protectors usually STAY mid lane. They don’t want to go to the sidelane as it’s too risky and they’re losing value there. There are times when players sit on a sidelane and trying to push a wave. The entire enemy team ends up chasing them down, resulting in the respective player’s death – without getting anything done.
So what could they have done differently? This brings the question – was there a reason that they pushed that wave? And getting gold and experience doesn’t count – because they’re doing nothing but playing ping-pong with the enemy.

Clear the wave – and the enemy receives the wave – then this process repeats.
But what about a situation in which there is no objective available. Theoretically speaking nothing is supposed to happen unless people make mistakes. So why not force them to do something?
Referring to a freeze on sidelane. Don’t let the incoming enemy minion wave crash into the tower. Keep it barely out of range so it fights with the minions.

It’s very important that the enemy wave is bigger, so the mid laner can maintain this state. The enemy minions will slowly kill off allied minions while the player keeps JUST last hitting-

And now here are the rewards of this move. Every caster minion is 40 Gold, every melee minion 65 and every cannon 85. Now imagine keeping this up for 1 or 2 minutes until the next objective spawns. Think of HOW MUCH gold this strategy denies and what the player gains by doing so? It is ABSURD.
And even better is the fact that the enemy team has to break this – and they cannot do it alone as it’s too risky to do. 

3 Wave Principle

The last and ultimate strategy to punish mid laners can be called the 3 wave principle.

All of players need know that in the early game the first two waves are without a cannon minion and the third comes with one.
Now the goal is to slow push wave 1 and 2 and crash wave 3 including the cannon minion into the tower. This is only reasonable to achieve though if playing a champion with an INSANE lane agency such as Lucian or Akshan. While doing so, keep the enemy laner at max range while abusing the pre-placed vision to avoid any fatal disturbances by the enemy jungler. The next step is getting the jungler to come and dive the enemy champion on that massive wave and make it more than just painful.

Alternatively – so when in lack of a jungler – players may also use this window for a rotational play or a reset. 

In Conclusion

This Wild Rift Mid lane advanced guide is catered more towards players who already have a strong understanding of the concepts mentioned in part 1 and part 2 of this series of mid lane guides. Therefore, for those who are confused or overwhelmed by the ideas presented in this specific guide, be sure to back track and check those out first.

Hopefully, this series has been enjoyable for players looking to improve their gameplay. There will be more in depth guides, such as these, in the future for other lanes. So be on the look out, and stay tuned.

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